- If you could have one night with Barn...
- If you could have one night with FriscoKid...
- If you could have one night with Nessa...
- LOL!
- Giving up racing ... found a new hobby
- Hi
- U.K. hiring court jester for first time since 1649
- This Forum is GAY
- Our education system needs reform
- post whoring :)
- bar joke
- Political Joke
- Game
- Dear Tide
- Battered wife/blonde/etc. jokes
- Exclusive photo of Bush explaining the invasion of Iraq
- Free games
- 14 Things I hate about people...
- More jokes
- Little Billy
- More funny pics
- Shopping Cart Races!!
- This area...
- funny t-shirts
- Irish Coffee
- More pics....some tasteless
- More pics...some...ok most...are tasteless...now with videos
- The Bus Stop
- Lance Armstrong stripped of title!!
- Ballerina
- Stop your Ice
- Very fun site for those bored at home work or prison
- CSC member leaving Breck's on a Wed night-
- Why you always gotta be dissin' on whitey? NSFW (Verbal)
- Me in 50 Years.....
- Ancient Flash Humor ...
- The Wedding
- Moore Bush
- Bush radio interview in Ireland.
- 26 Things ...
- Games Galore
- click hear if your dumb
- Post your best own3d pics
- Anyone miss me???
- Blowing Up Gotti
- The Ferrari
- Snoop Dogg
- Technical overload!
- Political
- Questions to Ponder
- Most Functional English Word
- Thong tha thong thong thong!! nsfw May induce vomiting!
- footy
- Supid and or Funny Names
- Some PS to fill in your empty time slots
- How to spot a Redneck...
- When Name-Calling Isn't Swearing
- Bad Day & other funny pics
- Breaking News
- Funny joke.
- Things Cops have been know to say
- Moving to Vegas
- Teddy Bears
- The paper boy
- Top 10: He said, She said
- Bakin Brownies with Bubba...
- Why did the chicken cross the road?
- baby fingering
- Cliff Yablonski Hates You
- On This Day In History...
- News Vid from Iraq
- Which Book to buy...
- Is your wheelchair too slow??
- Internet smilies - in cat form
- Yeti GAMES!!!
- Free to a Good Home
- Girlfriend threat level
- The olympics
- Too funny
- 'Nuther funny
- How not to get your @$$ beat A little NWS for language
- Radiohead flash
- Denver Etiquette
- On the Jersey Turnpike
- Armageddon!!!!! Content warning - no swearing
- The Hammer
- Best Divorce Letter Ever!!!
- sick joke
- 101 things not to say during sex
- Rules for women to follow...
- Rodney Dangerfield's 21 Best One-Liners
- Computer mouse game
- Grandfather to Grandson
- Happy Country
- Sex on a deserted island
- G. W. Bush and John Kerry somehow ended up at the same barbe
- A few funny pics...
- Nude Beach
- S.P.I.T.
- Joke of the day
- Harley Joke
- Love (kinda gay, butt the girls are gonna love this)
- Snowmobile
- Guarenteed Weight Loss Program
- Stoppie Game..
- Political Cartoon
- Another Ebay item
- Paintball and Hunting Related Games.
- Mamma Jokes
- Teenager's dying wish
- Something for your friday ... Imigration
- Missing wife
- SBF Seeks companion
- Bob and Tara
- Sunday Morning Sex
- NEW !! ++ Tabby Tote ++
- good poop
- Chauvanistic
- New Computer Viruses
- Hairdresser
- The Millionaire and the Redneck
- Special Fundraiser
- Touché
- For Jmetz (mexican jews)
- 100 reasons it's great to be a guy
- Honey, what did they serve you for lunch today at school?
- When I get big.....
- A lesson in Social Studies
- Joke: Info for the races.
- school answering machine
- Man mistakes own p&nis for chicken Head.
- toy shuts down airport
- Random Strange Internet Stuff
- Tech Support. NWS
- The Man Song
- THIS LAND.....
- Southwest Airlines
- Easy 75k?
- Boy and His Train
- For You Pet Owners
- Colorado people!
- Winky
- Spank that Monkey!
- Men don't know when to keep their mouth shut
- McDs makes me angry
- Top 10 worst albums of all time
- Just for you Brizz
- Serial Killer or Programmer
- Poor lady... Prob NSFW
- Jewish Wedding
- Marriage - Before and After
- Old Mexican Gardner
- Sleepwalking Sex - Is this happening to you?
- Real or Hoax?
- Is hard work really worth it?
- Trucker meets a blonde
- Cuckoo Clock
- Anger Management
- Headlines in the year 2029
- Senator & Little Johnny
- the genie
- Performance Parts
- Gender
- 7 Reasons not to mess with Kids
- With all of the sadness in the world
- Little Johnny
- Two old ladies
- 3 Strangers strike up a conversation
- Kerrys job App
- Homer Simpson's retirement plan
- Choose your party
- Dear John Letter
- Virtual Pumpkin Carving
- for the ladies
- More Britney---just for Barn!
- ranch hand
- focus trick
- The Letter
- Little Johnny and the Baby
- Old People
- Why is it sooo hard to be a man??
- Drinking Buddies
- Halloween Party
- Dear God
- Two italians on a bus
- Drinking and Driving
- A Businessman and a Rancher
- Chicken
- Retrosexual
- Nurse
- Girls Night Out
- Words Women Use
- read this quickly
- Asshair shaving
- Your job ain't so bad after all
- President Kerry
- We must be idiots...
- Virtual bartender (NSFW)
- Creepy emails??
- Storybout a boy named bush
- Murphys laws of war
- Grilled Cheese anyone?
- Queen's address to the American people
- Girls night out
- See if you can beat this guy
- Things You CAN Say At Thanksgiving (And Get Away With It):
- Jesus and Satan were having an on-going argument...
- bored?!? Find out how much your worth
- Riddle
- Onions and Xmas trees
- Heart Warming humor
- New Type of Bra
- Male or Female?
- Target Rules.
- What's In a Name
- Road Rage cards
- Dear Santa
- Birds and Bees
- A burgler is caught with his hands in a...
- Create your own church sign
- Jeff Foxworthy on Colorado
- Good, Better and BEST
- Christmas Spirit
- Office Pranks
- The Prescription
- Magazine for Married Guys
- Christmas With Louise...
- What NOT to do on New Year's Eve...
- Some holiday fun...
- Good, Bad, Ugly!
- More fun games
- How many drinks can u handle?!
- Ski/Snowboard Season Preparation Checklist
- Job for the Homeless
- STD Alert
- Santa Humor
- The Attourney
- Try this at Brecks?
- A few idle thoughts
- Why you don't send the wife to the hardware store
- Married 11 times