View Full Version : rear tire is cupped on the right side?

Mon May 7th, 2007, 10:00 AM
Hey everyone, probably a newbie question here agian....

Stock tires wore down real bad a couple weeks ago so I went out and bought hardly used take-offs. After Sat and Sunday, the rear tire is cupped on the right side pretty good.

Is this due to improper tire pressure? I checked the tire pressure each day I went to the track. Or is this due to suspension or just the way it goes? The left side seems fine probably due to the direction of the track, the two higher speed and longer turns are to the right.

Sorry no pics and I am storing the bike at IMI now. For a small fee, I don't have to ride to the track and back. Can take my car now and bring anything I want.

Repsol a095
Mon May 7th, 2007, 10:10 AM

I was out at Miller last weekend and my 2CTs were doing the same thing. The Michelin guy told me that this is fairly normal. He told me to look for a swirling pattern, otherwise known as cold-tear. If that appears it could be a suspension problem or improper tire pressure.

Mon May 7th, 2007, 10:13 AM
that's what you get for going so fast

Mon May 7th, 2007, 10:26 AM
Thanks for the help Patrick...

Paul, hahaha, we are all newbies still, I can't wait to see what fast really is!!!!

Vehicle 1
Mon May 7th, 2007, 10:27 AM

I am not an expert on the subject… but my 2CT rear was cupping pretty bad at IMI, and on both sides (since I ran the track on both directions within a couple of weeks). I asked Mike (from Faster) and he told me that if I was being careful with tire pressure, which I was, it was probably just my suspension settings producing the exaggerated cupping, and that first I should check the sag; he also remarked that it is normal to have some cupping regardless.
So when I was at Pueblo, I asked Bart (from Faster as well) if he could help me with the situation (poor guy, he does a good job dealing with my questioning). He immediately noticed that my sag setting was horrible, he adjusted it for me with the help of another guy, and bingo! I have been once at Pueblo and once at IMI with my new 2CT rear, and the cupping has noticeably been reduced, crazy difference. My riding feels better also.

So…a long story short, check your sag by someone that knows what they are doing…

Good luck,


Mon May 7th, 2007, 10:28 AM
If I was going fast before I was sliding in the dirt off the track. I'm not ready for fast yet.