View Full Version : New IMI rule.....

Mon May 14th, 2007, 01:16 PM
Just found out yesterday that IMI will be enforcing an additional rule to anyone on a sportbike. You are now required to have a helmet and jacket to ride there. Not enough rules in my opinion but they seem to be heading in the right direction.

Forgot to ask regarding the super motards......

Mon May 14th, 2007, 01:18 PM
Well, they've always required a helmet and I think a jacket is just plain common sense....

Mon May 14th, 2007, 01:26 PM
Your right, for the most part I have seen the CSC'ers come out prepared. But on occassion have seen a few other groups come out "not dressed for the part". Hopefully IMI will start getting a bit tighter on more new rules.

Tue May 15th, 2007, 03:12 PM
yea, i still need a suit

Tue May 15th, 2007, 03:18 PM
yea, i still need a suit

Haha yeah, you do ride a bit hard for jeans. But at least you have everything else besides the pants. Hopefully we will keep pressuring your fiance trying to convince her to let you get them!!!!!

Tue May 15th, 2007, 08:12 PM
Your right, for the most part I have seen the CSC'ers come out prepared. But on occassion have seen a few other groups come out "not dressed for the part". Hopefully IMI will start getting a bit tighter on more new rules.

So I'm still a little confused- and I'm not trying to start some hot and heavy debate, I'm just trying to understand.

Why do we have to have rules/laws to protect stupid people from themselves?

In France, if you go off piste skiing (out of bounds) and you fall into a cravasse and die, well, you should have hired a guide.

If you're smart enough to go out onto a "race" track not wearing appropriate gear, well- doesn't seem like there should have to be a rule/law. Hell, ask Giovanni. He crashed chasing me one time at IMI wearing jeans. Probably the last time he didn't wear leathers on the track...

I mean, is this not part of the problem? People get so used to being protected from themselves that they fail to take any responsibility for their own actions- assuming that someone else is already making rules so they can't actually do anything stupid...

So I'm just trying to understand the mentality of people that think we need rules/laws to protect the stupid people from themselves...

Tue May 15th, 2007, 08:15 PM
It's a Lemming thing, you wouldn't understand :lol:

Tue May 15th, 2007, 08:16 PM
Only because I don't want to see others go down without it, let alone friends of mine. They can make their own choices but if we can at all influence them, then so be it. If not, then your right, it is their choice, we cannot force anyone to do anything.

Tue May 15th, 2007, 08:35 PM
It's called America. No one wants to take responsibility for their own mistakes, so they sue somone else for them. Take the crack in the sidewalk. I cruise along on my rollerblades (I know, totally 80s thing) and hit a crack. Down I go, without helmet, knee or wrist guards, and I get a concussion. Can't possibly be MY fault - gotta sue someone. How about the city, or the concrete contractor, or the business that the sidewalk is in front of?

Same thing at the track. Liability waivers or not, you can still sue anyone for anything. It's enough hassle be sued, even if they don't have a case, that big companies (McDonald's hot coffee) often settle out of court (Michael Jackson). We at the CSC are smart enough to police oursleves and wear gear that protects us. But rules at the track MINIMIZE liability to the track owner. That's all.

If more people had to simply pay the price and take responsibility for their own dumbass actions, we all would have lower insurance bills.

Whew! Time for another sip of Cap'n & Coke.

So I'm still a little confused- and I'm not trying to start some hot and heavy debate, I'm just trying to understand.

Why do we have to have rules/laws to protect stupid people from themselves?

In France, if you go off piste skiing (out of bounds) and you fall into a cravasse and die, well, you should have hired a guide.

If you're smart enough to go out onto a "race" track not wearing appropriate gear, well- doesn't seem like there should have to be a rule/law. Hell, ask Giovanni. He crashed chasing me one time at IMI wearing jeans. Probably the last time he didn't wear leathers on the track...

I mean, is this not part of the problem? People get so used to being protected from themselves that they fail to take any responsibility for their own actions- assuming that someone else is already making rules so they can't actually do anything stupid...

So I'm just trying to understand the mentality of people that think we need rules/laws to protect the stupid people from themselves...

Tue May 15th, 2007, 08:46 PM
Why do we have to have rules/laws to protect stupid people from themselves?

I agree with you but the problem is that the legal system doesn't enforce that (sensible) kind of thinking and allows people to successfully sue others for their own stupid actions. That makes people enforce their own rules to reduce the risk that they will be sued into bankruptcy. Now, if juries would start calling bs on these kinds of lawsuits, the problem would correct itself but it seems to be going more in the other direction. It's pretty sad really.


Tue May 15th, 2007, 09:42 PM
yea, i liked the pressure you guys were putting on her, especially working the whole," youll feel better if he goes down in those angle" haha

Thu May 24th, 2007, 11:29 AM
Honestly, I'd rather see less rules, and more Darwinism, but thats me :p

So, my thoughts are...

IMI is a smaller/slower track, and should have an easier or more laxed set of rules so that people who think they might want to TRY riding a track can try it without buying a track bike and leathers and ..... etc.

If IMI wasn't soo easy to ride on and ride off, I would still be treating it like Pueblo.. yea, sure maybe someday when I hit lotto (or find a sponsor) :)

.. plus my bike is too slow for Pueblo :p


Tue May 29th, 2007, 10:28 AM
IMI can be fast, it takes quite a bit of precision to take the tight corners. And GET PANTS! Unless you don't want to go to any race track again..

Tue May 29th, 2007, 01:35 PM
Well, I didn't realize that IMI was so lax until I read this thread. I dont have the money to go buy full leathers quite yet and dont know if I even want to because I haven't done a track day yet. So, would I probably be ok as long as I took it easy, to just come out with jeans but then also my jacket gloves helmet and boots? If I like it I'll drop some money on a good set of leathers but it seems stupid to do without knowing if I like riding the track.

Also, any special rules on bike setup? Safety wire, sidestand removed, lights covered, anything like that?

Tue May 29th, 2007, 01:49 PM
No rules for the bike, but we will ask you if you don't mind taping up or removing your mirrors while your there. I bring Painters Tape everytime I go and it's easily removable for anyone that wants to use some. No rules for the bike being prepped there though.

My first time, I went with with jeans as well. Believe me, after a couple of hours and feeling comfortable, you will immediately start thinking about what leathers you will want. :)

Tue May 29th, 2007, 02:08 PM
Taping up mirrors as in just covering the mirrored part? I dont think removing them will be too difficult though so Im sure I could do that just as easily.

Thu May 31st, 2007, 10:49 AM

Tue Jun 12th, 2007, 12:08 PM
where is IMI?

Tue Jun 12th, 2007, 12:12 PM
5074 Weld County Road #8
Dacono, Colorado 80514

If coming from Thornton, take I-25 north a few miles, take exit#232 and turn right (away from mountains). It's about 1.75 miles, road does turn into a dirt road and track is on the right side.

Tue Jun 12th, 2007, 12:18 PM
Thanks alot.. I have been wondering where us coloradans could track ride :)

Tue Jun 12th, 2007, 01:07 PM
I recommend trailering your bike up there, its not that the dirt road is too rough, but that trucks have nails bounced off of them and that causes problems. Picked up a nail on friday, couldn't get it plugged despite the guys up theres help so I'm out of commission for a week or two. That and i-25 has gotten downright scary to drive anymore, gravel trucks that don't know the meaning of a covered load are especially bad...

Wed Jun 13th, 2007, 02:14 PM
<sigh> I enjoyed wearing my flip-flops and wife-beater there. Times are a-changin' :)

Wed Jun 13th, 2007, 04:21 PM
5074 Weld County Road #8
Dacono, Colorado 80514

If coming from Thornton, take I-25 north a few miles, take exit#232 and turn right (away from mountains). It's about 1.75 miles, road does turn into a dirt road and track is on the right side.

Additional info:

Wed Jun 13th, 2007, 09:11 PM
No bike with a rear tire larger than a 160.....