View Full Version : Ride 5-11-08 to Hysham and Spring Creek cafe‏. Montana

Mon May 12th, 2008, 08:53 PM
Nice weather that day, with little wind for a change. I had herd the Harley guys talk about riding the old frontage road from Hysham to Custer. Its been 20 years since I wad been on that road, and did not know it was still passable. It was in bad repair back then, and with I94 so close, no one was going to pay to fix it.
When we got to Hysham, we stopped for a photo in front of the old Yucca theater. About 5 years ago, an older gent got tired of watching it rot. He bought it for next to nothing, fixed the roof, then the stucco outside. Now it was looking pretty good so the community of about 600 jumped in to help. They cleaned out the farm implements that were stored inside and set to finishing the inside.
Bill and Mary stopped last Saturday but were late, so they did not go in. It seems as it is free admission, you sit on old sofas, and if you want snacks, you buy them at the C-store down the block.

The old frontage road was pretty holey all right, but as it was mostly open range, we had to go slow any way. If not for the cows, then deer and antelope. In Custer we got gas at the Credit card only gas station, then went in to the Junction City for a beverage. This is and old Harley hang out so we looked a bit out of place with helmets, pants with asses, and gloves with fingers AND knuckles.
We were on our way out of the parking lot when on old biker saw Candice's Speed 4 and flagged us down. 'I did not know Triumph made new bikes...' then he saw Bills, ' Two Triumphs, WOW...a Ducati, Holy Shit! I got to get a picture of this' Well, we were stuck for 10 more minutes.

The road up Sarpy Creek is good and windey, so it is fun fun. Don on his Honda 954 and I on my 1098 let the BIG DOGS EAT the petrol. We waited for Bill and Candic out side the cafe for a bit. When Bill pulled up, he said he was going slow looking for carbon fiber wheels sticking up in the ditch. Man, crash one time, and never here the end of it. The Biker special was Dads old favorite. Shit on a shingle. We all had it, but it was not so good.

On the way home, Candice rode the 1098 the last 30 mile. She was liking the look of the new 848, so she wanted to try the ergos of the SBK again. We are glad she did, because now she can stop thinking about it. Not for her.

We did about 240 miles, saw some cool stuff, and I we can now make it a few more weeks till we can do it again.


PS we saw one scary ass Bandito! If you see this man on the side of the road, learn from me. Don't STOP!!