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View Full Version : Promoting a product... Novus

Thu Oct 16th, 2008, 12:47 AM
It's not often I try to promote a product, but I just completed refinishing my plastic Jeep windows, so thought I'd throw this out there...

Long story short... my dog rides with me everywhere I go and scratches up my plastic jeep windows (anybody with a jeep knows this problem), and on top of that, weather, sun, etc also had really destroyed my windows. There was significant discoloration and scratches to my windows.

I recently took a shot with Novus Polish (http://www.novuspolish.com/) to clean them up.

I've got to say... my plastic jeep windows look comparable to when I bought my jeep new. So I also applied it to old scratched up helmet visors, and with minimal effort brought them up to original quality as well.

It's not really a new concept... A 3 stage system (cleaner, heavy polish, then minor polish); however it is a relatively cheap product that performs well. For $17 you get a quality product that will probably last you a lifetime.

Yes it does simply use an abrasive polish to remove scratches, however it will also replenish oils in a soft plastic to remove that brown discoloration from ultra violet rays (usually attributed to cleaning with an ammonia based cleaner), and preserve as well.