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The Black Knight
Sat Oct 18th, 2008, 11:16 PM

With so much focus on the economy, stock markets, gas prices(finally plunging!), taxes and healthcare. I thought one issue hasn't been talked about much by the two candidates. In my opinion it's just as important as the others if not moreso(because it's been around way before the others). And here it is, Gun Rights vs. Gun Control. Or more specifically: Second Amendment

Found this great video detaling the legacy of gun control and those that are the driving force behind it. For me this election is more or less about a single issue. I hate to sound like a single issue guy but to be honest the others don't concern me that much.

The economy will rise and fall as it always does. Stock markets will lose hundreds of points one day and then be up hundreds of the points the next, as it always has. Gas prices will continue to fluctuate until we can get some alternatives going, as they always have. Taxes are like Death, the only two things in life you are assured of having to pay. And healthcare, something of which I have through my own work, yet have never used once because I try and stay active and be healthy.

Yet for me, this election boils down to probably the thing I hold most dear. The Bill of Rights. On one hand I've got a candidate that has had a good record of voting for Gun Rights(though for a period of time had some ups and downs), yet has confirmed his pledge to always protect one specific amendment. On the other, I've got a candidate that next to President Clinton would eclipse him as the most liberal and anti-gun President to date. Nevermind the fact that he chose the author of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban as his Vice Pres. One who also has a long list of voting for gun control.

I found this video on another forum I frequent. Thought to myself it would make a nice addition among the other political threads going on this site. I also figured what the hell, here's one more chance to shift the winds of focus back on those who are in positions of trying to wrestle away our freedoms and give way to Big Government in order to think for us.

My favorite President said it best. "Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."

on the video, hit play and follow directions.

Sun Oct 19th, 2008, 07:38 AM
It doesn't matter what's written in the books. At the end of the night my Glock 21 will be where she belongs.. Right by my side.

That being said - Hopefully the people in power haven't become so twisted, that they would remove one of our most prominent rights.

It seems like the ultimate goal is to be made more and more like a victim, with every crazy agenda that goes against the founders principals.

The Black Knight
Sun Oct 19th, 2008, 07:51 AM
It doesn't matter what's written in the books. At the end of the night my Glock 21 will be where she belongs.. Right by my side.

That being said - Hopefully the people in power haven't become so twisted, that they would remove one of our most prominent rights.

It seems like the ultimate goal is to be made more and more like a victim, with every crazy agenda that goes against the founders principals.

dude, I think we are past the point of hoping our leaders of today are not twisted. For some it's the ultimate goal and the final door to be opened to total control of the populace.

When the Supreme Court handed down it's decision back in June, there was an overwhelming response of disdain from the opposition. One's like Diane Feinstein making comments like, "it's the height of folly", and Brady Campaign saying it's only opened the doors for more violence.

If anything, these people(well all people of America) should have been in huge support of the Second Amendment achieving it's victory. But another sad factor is it only won by a 5-4 vote. Even four supreme court justices were clouded enough to vote against it. And these are the people in charge of keeping and protecting our Constitution?? Speaks volumes for the amount of people who are more and more leaning towards a government that can control it's people.

Sun Oct 19th, 2008, 12:35 PM
dude, I think we are past the point of hoping our leaders of today are not twisted. For some it's the ultimate goal and the final door to be opened to total control of the populace.


Speaks volumes for the amount of people who are more and more leaning towards a government that can control it's people.

The fact that democrats are finally accepting that the labels of "socialist" and "Marxist", and NOT complaining, is the biggest indicator of real "change" to come out of this election cycle. Russia went through similar change in the 1920's, and we all know how that worked out for them.

At least the socialists are comfortable admitting who they are now, and can no longer pretend they want anything to do with supporting, or upholding, our constitution. The scary thing is that over 50% of the population actually enjoys the idea of a socialist America.

Go figure.

Sun Oct 19th, 2008, 01:01 PM
I think that was a good video and it seems dated. It doesn't say anything about the current situation like with the heller case or the like.

But still better than anything that has came out of Hollyweird in while.

The Black Knight
Sun Oct 19th, 2008, 01:30 PM
I think that was a good video and it seems dated. It doesn't say anything about the current situation like with the heller case or the like.

But still better than anything that has came out of Hollyweird in while.

yeah I got it off the taurusarmed.net forums. Someone there said the same thing. It seemed a bit dated. Which I suppose by today's standards and issue's that have been decided it is old. However, I think it reflects much on the history of gun control and shows you where the real root of it lies.

Sun Oct 19th, 2008, 02:45 PM
The scary thing is that over 50% of the population actually enjoys the idea of a socialist America.

I think your estimate of sheeple in America is low.

Sun Oct 19th, 2008, 06:50 PM

Sun Oct 19th, 2008, 07:23 PM
That would be just fine with them. Remember Waco?

The Black Knight
Sun Oct 19th, 2008, 07:43 PM
That would be just fine with them. Remember Waco?

I think the point is, from "out cold dead hands", meaning, yeah you can have them. I won't be around for you to take them. Once you're dead, nothing has any meaning after that.

Sun Oct 19th, 2008, 08:07 PM
All that the gun control laws do is keep guns out of the hands of honest people. I love all of my guns and they love me too.:sniper:My precious

Sun Oct 19th, 2008, 08:23 PM
They can have them then. They will be empty, hot and still ready to be shot. I will have "my precious" to the end too.

The Black Knight
Sun Oct 19th, 2008, 08:58 PM
They can have them then. They will be empty, hot and still ready to be shot. I will have "my precious" to the end too.


there's an old saying that goes, "one day someone will kill you with your own gun, but they should have to beat you to death with it, because it's completely empty of ammo."

Sun Oct 19th, 2008, 09:47 PM
Well they will find me dead in a ditch one day... but they will find me on top of a pile of brass.

The Black Knight
Sun Oct 19th, 2008, 10:25 PM
As with the video being a bit dated with it's information. Here's one on a more contemporary note.

Direct from the man's website: http://origin.barackobama.com/issues/urban_policy/

"As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment (http://www.nraila.org/Issues/FactSheets/Read.aspx?id=208), which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets."

I'm sorry, but that last part is such a crock of s**t. I've said it time and again, if you don't believe Obama/Biden aren't out to get your guns. Then you're sadly mistaken.

Sun Oct 19th, 2008, 10:45 PM
None of my so-called assault weapons have ever been on a battlefield. For one army's do not use semi automatic only guns in battle. And 2 they are lieing if they try to pass off a bastard child of a real automatic rifle as the real thing. Its not!

The Black Knight
Mon Oct 20th, 2008, 04:16 PM
None of my so-called assault weapons have ever been on a battlefield. For one army's do not use semi automatic only guns in battle. And 2 they are lieing if they try to pass off a bastard child of a real automatic rifle as the real thing. Its not!

That's the major dividing factor. Obama and Biden are to stupid to know the difference between to the two.

Mon Oct 20th, 2008, 04:29 PM

there's an old saying that goes, "one day someone will kill you with your own gun, but they should have to beat you to death with it, because it's completely empty of ammo."

You mean like my signature line? :)

'It is better to die on your feet then live on your knees'

Mon Oct 20th, 2008, 04:39 PM
That's the major dividing factor. Obama and Biden are to stupid to know the difference between to the two.

I think that they know. But they are hoping that nobody else knows. I bet if we told them to their 2 faces like Joe the plumber did they still would push it because they are politically motivated to do so. They just didn't expect the word to get out via the internet.

Mon Oct 20th, 2008, 04:39 PM
I must say that I fully support gun control . . . even if you have to use both hands to control it!

Mon Oct 20th, 2008, 04:41 PM
Gun control means hitting what you aim at.

The Black Knight
Mon Oct 20th, 2008, 05:07 PM
You mean like my signature line? :)

'It is better to die on your feet then live on your knees'
yep, I fully believe in that last quote.

The Black Knight
Mon Oct 20th, 2008, 05:09 PM
Hey if you guys want some great one-liners or quotes. Check this website out. They've got tons of excellent quotes.


Mon Oct 20th, 2008, 05:18 PM

Mon Oct 20th, 2008, 07:37 PM
Jim you have such a way with words.

Mon Oct 20th, 2008, 07:37 PM
Jim you have such a way with words.

The thread made him speechless I guess.

I sure hope they do not try to take guns away. I agree that it only takes guns out of the good peoples hands.

Mon Oct 20th, 2008, 07:41 PM
Hoplophobe "Why are you wearing your gun to dinner?" And then said, "Are you expecting to use it?"

Me. (not my line but I got to use it) "No, if I was expecting trouble I would have brought my rifle."

The truth of the matter is if I thought that I would have to shoot someone when I went out. Hell I would just stay home. However, its there if I need it.

The Black Knight
Mon Oct 20th, 2008, 08:55 PM
I think the best quote is from Tremors II: Burt Gummer
"When you need and don't have it, you sing a different tune."

I don't think any quote could be more true. When you need your guns and don't have them(due to a tyrannical government taking them), then you'll sing a different tune.

Mon Oct 20th, 2008, 09:15 PM
You rarely need it, but when you need it ...you need it BAD! :guns:

Mon Oct 20th, 2008, 11:25 PM
i still like the phrase "people shouldnt fear their government, the government should fear its people"

they want to remove our self empowerment so they can have control over us and thus removing our freedoms.

Our borders will never be overrun, invaded etc.... the fight will come from within.

Who is with me?

I for one will go down in a fight taking as many with me who try to remove my weapons from me. I would rather be dead now than die not being able to defend myself.

Mon Oct 20th, 2008, 11:40 PM
I, for one, can enjoy life without guns (although I have many). While you're 6 feet under, I'll continue enjoying everyday of my life. I my world, guns are not the reason I live, they are just one of my many hobbies.

If you feel guns empower you as an individual vs. the government, you are living in a fantasy world created by the U.S. Constitution.

Mon Oct 20th, 2008, 11:44 PM
I, for one, can enjoy life without guns (although I have many). While you're 6 feet under, I'll continue enjoying everyday of my life. I my world, guns are not the reason I live, they are just one of my many hobbies.

If you feel guns empower you as an individual vs. the government, you are living in a fantasy world created by the U.S. Constitution.

Can you live you life when someone breaks into your house with a gun and defense-less? I love Colorado for the make my day law. If a criminal broke into my house, I want to right to defend myself with any means necessary.

Tue Oct 21st, 2008, 12:22 AM
Can you live you life when someone breaks into your house with a gun and defense-less? I love Colorado for the make my day law. If a criminal broke into my house, I want to right to defend myself with any means necessary.

You're correct, I cannot "live my life" when someone breaks into my home and I'm defenseless. FACT: I have lived 30+ years and do not personally know anyone who has had to defend themselves in their own home with a firearm. Maybe I'm not the norm ...although I am not qualified to speak about your living arrangements.

Tue Oct 21st, 2008, 12:27 AM
You're correct, I cannot "live my life" when someone breaks into my home and I'm defenseless. FACT: I have lived 30+ years and do not personally know anyone who has had to defend themselves in their own home with a firearm. Maybe I'm not the norm ...although I am not qualified to speak about your living arrangements.

I have been around 22 years, and I have personally never known anyone who has had their house broken into. But, my parents had our current house robbed before I was born, luckily they were out of the house at that time. The truth is, break ins can happen anytime any place. I think of a self-defense weapon like a motorcycle helmet; You may never crash your bike in your lifetime, but its niceknowing its their if you ever need it.

Tue Oct 21st, 2008, 12:34 AM
The truth it, break ins can happen anytime anyplace. I think of a self-defense weapon like a motorcycle helmet. You may never crash your bike in your lifetime, but its good knowing its their if you ever need it.

I agree, but I still don't buy in-store warranties, life insurance, road hazard tire insurance, etc. What are you comfortable with? I sleep well every night with the choices I make. I will handle each situation as it presents itself and life my life wondering what could happen.

Again, I value the 2nd Amend. ...although it does not define my being.

Tue Oct 21st, 2008, 12:40 AM
I agree, but I still don't buy in-store warranties, life insurance, road hazard tire insurance, etc. What are you comfortable with? I sleep well every night with the choices I make. I will handle each situation as it presents itself and life my life wondering what could happen.

Again, I value the 2nd Amend. ...although it does not define my being.

I agree, it doesn't define my either, but again, things like tire hazard insurance, life insurance, etc are there if you want them. I do not like gun control because it only takes guns out of the hands of good people.

Tue Oct 21st, 2008, 12:52 AM
I DO NOT like, or agree with, gun control legislation either :no:

Tue Oct 21st, 2008, 06:18 AM
I think the best quote is from Tremors II: Burt Gummer
"When you need and don't have it, you sing a different tune."

I don't think any quote could be more true. When you need your guns and don't have them(due to a tyrannical government taking them), then you'll sing a different tune.
Or the quote from tremors II. If I would thought about it I would have asked for more small arms. IIRC~

Tue Oct 21st, 2008, 06:34 AM
I have had to draw down on 3 people 2 different times. Once in my home while I was drinking coffee and watching cartoons 2 guys (that smelled like shit) were pretending to be cops and wanted to arrest me. God only knows what they were planning?

Second time was some vato at a gas station who thought that I took his gas pump since I was there first.:shocked: He had a bat I had a 9mm we compared the 2 and I won.

Those are times that I wish I was somewhere else, but it happened and I came out ok. If I had fought them though I might not be as pretty as I think I am today.:crazy:

Tue Oct 21st, 2008, 07:34 AM
I have had to draw down on 3 people 2 different times. Once in my home while I was drinking coffee and watching cartoons 2 guys (that smelled like shit) were pretending to be cops and wanted to arrest me. God only knows what they were planning?

Maybe they were planning on re-inacting that scene from pulp fiction? :shocked:
You may have literaly saved your ass lmao.

Tue Oct 21st, 2008, 08:32 AM
I have had to draw down on 3 people 2 different times. Once in my home while I was drinking coffee and watching cartoons 2 guys (that smelled like shit) were pretending to be cops and wanted to arrest me. God only knows what they were planning?

WTF? Where was this? in Denver?

Tue Oct 21st, 2008, 09:29 AM
I think the best quote is from Tremors II: Burt Gummer
"When you need and don't have it, you sing a different tune."

No kidding. I was in graduate school at the University of Florida when the student murders (http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/serial_killers/predators/rolling/gain_1.html) happened at the beginning of the fall semester in 1990. for several days, fear gripped the town. People at the University with whom I had had vigorous discussions on the right to bear arms suddenly changed their tune when no one knew who the killer was and who he might strike next. They were running out to get guns. What really scared me is that many of these people had never even touched a gun, much less knew how to use it. They had lived so long in their happy little safe world that they thought guns were unnecessary and evil. But when reminded that not every human is a thoughtful, considerate, law-abiding person, they realized that a gun was merely a tool to be used in certain situations that although thankfully rare, do happen. And when they do, having a gun can mean that the law-abiding person gets to live.

At the time I had two female roommates (and four of the five victims were female), so they were pretty freaked out. But the fact that I decided to stay up at night with my shotgun at the ready, let them sleep in peace. One evening I heard a noise out in the carport. I could see through the window that someone was out there messing around in stuff. I went out the door and he got a view down a 12 gauge barrel. I told him he had the option to turn and get the hell out the neighborhood. He didn't wait for option two. Turns out it wasn't the killer Danny Rolling (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_Rolling), just some low-life thief.

If any of the victims had possessed and known how to use a gun, lives might have been spared. The one male victim, Manny Toboada, was a strapping 6'3" 200+ athlete but he was unable to fight off the killer. And his roommate, Tracy Paules, whose parents thought was safe with such a roommate, was viciously assaulted and murdered. If she had a gun to defend herself and knew how to use it, she probably would have survived.

There are people in the world who would bash your head in for the $5 you have in your pocket. Humans can be pretty vile creatures as history and the daily news show. Having the equipment and skills to protect yourself against them makes a lot of sense. And I consider it criminal when elected officials try to take that away from law-abiding citizens.


Tue Oct 21st, 2008, 09:45 AM
i still like the phrase "people shouldnt fear their government, the government should fear its people"

they want to remove our self empowerment so they can have control over us and thus removing our freedoms.

Our borders will never be overrun, invaded etc.... the fight will come from within.

Who is with me?

I for one will go down in a fight taking as many with me who try to remove my weapons from me. I would rather be dead now than die not being able to defend myself.


Tue Oct 21st, 2008, 11:12 AM
I agree, but I still don't buy in-store warranties, life insurance, road hazard tire insurance, etc. What are you comfortable with? I sleep well every night with the choices I make. I will handle each situation as it presents itself and life my life wondering what could happen.

Again, I value the 2nd Amend. ...although it does not define my being.

I view a firearm more like a fire extinguisher: Most likely, you will never need it in an emergency, but if you do, it's useless if it's empty or locked away.

Tue Oct 21st, 2008, 11:22 AM
Second time was some vato at a gas station who thought that I took his gas pump since I was there first.:shocked: He had a bat I had a 9mm we compared the 2 and I won.
Just like a Vato, bringing a bat to a gun fight......:)

Shoulda shot all 3 of them anyways....

Tue Oct 21st, 2008, 02:45 PM
Remember that just because something is outlawed, it DOES NOT mean it goes away. Just like liquor during Prohibition, there will always be those who want to keep living as they will even if they are considered "outlaws" by the general public.

So the Lefties who think that banning guns will make everything better are no smarter than Righties who think banning abortions will make clinics go away. :down:

Imagine if both sides got what they wanted? What delicious irony it would be for a couple to force a doctor at gunpoint to perform a back-alley abortion, no? :wtf:

No matter what, it takes a vote of the PEOPLE to change a Constitutional amendment, and I'm all for maintaining an individual's RIGHT to CHOOSE, no matter what the issue is.

Tue Oct 21st, 2008, 11:53 PM
Second time was some vato at a gas station who thought that I took his gas pump since I was there first.:shocked: He had a bat I had a 9mm we compared the 2 and I won.

Seriously dude, you didn't win. You pulled a stupid, childish, dangerous move just to not loose your place in line! You were willing to threaten someones' life for a spot at a damned gas station? That's irresponsible gun ownership.

After you've calmed down, watch this and learn something. Then repeat.

For the record i've only had to draw a gun for an animal, all confrontations with people have been avoided or calmed down.

Can you live you life when someone breaks into your house with a gun and defense-less? I love Colorado for the make my day law. If a criminal broke into my house, I want to right to defend myself with any means necessary.
You need to watch the video also.

Wed Oct 22nd, 2008, 05:23 AM
Seriously dude, you didn't win. You pulled a stupid, childish, dangerous move just to not loose your place in line! You were willing to threaten someones' life for a spot at a damned gas station? That's irresponsible gun ownership.

No just like I said I pulled it out in defense of myself. I was filling up he pulls in behind me and then I pulled my truck out and my GF's car in while not letting go of the pump and filled her car up. (She loaned it to me to drive up to Dillion and I owed it to her) The vayo behind me thought I was doing something worth fighting over. His boyfriend cornered me outside the store after I paid and was definately thinking about using that bat. But he made the mistake of letting me open my truck and grab my piece. I don't think it was a irresponsible act at all.
But this is before you I watched your video.
I guess I was asking for it too when I was at home that one time? But the cops that did show up agreed that they didn't work for any police force they know of and I was right to draw down on them when they were kicking in the door. I know that me slamming the door in their face gave me enough time to get my gun though. I don't know if I would have had time to put it back together and remove a trigger lock. That is why I oppose those kind of regulations BTW.

Also I never fired a shot in anger while being mentally ready to shows great control on my part.

Wed Oct 22nd, 2008, 08:11 AM
Seriously dude, you didn't win. You pulled a stupid, childish, dangerous move just to not loose your place in line! You were willing to threaten someones' life for a spot at a damned gas station? That's irresponsible gun ownership.

After you've calmed down, watch this and learn something. Then repeat.

For the record i've only had to draw a gun for an animal, all confrontations with people have been avoided or calmed down.

You need to watch the video also.

I disagree completely. First off you were not there so you do not know what this guy looked like he was capable of doing. Second from what I have read this guy had a bat and was threatening him with it over the spot in line David did not draw his weapon to get that spot before that guy. Your movie really had no relevance because the guy was not looking for his money he did not just bump into him, David may not have even known what this guy was angry about as he approached him with the baseball bat so he may have thought that this guy was just looking to do some damage to things or people. Besides "It is better to be judged by 12, then carried by 6".

Wed Oct 22nd, 2008, 06:30 PM
For the record i've only had to draw a gun for an animal, all confrontations with people have been avoided or calmed down.

You need to watch the video also.

Sorry, if someone breaks into my house, it will be the last house they break into. I have very little respect for criminals, and nothing can change my mind. If the guy was smart enough to not break into homes and destroy peoples lives, then they would not be in a position to get shot by a home owner. Plus, you hear too many times about someone breaking into a home and shooting the people because they were home and "in the way" of him stealing other people's stuff, so we should be allowed to defend ourselves against sick people like that, and sorry, I do not want to bring a knife to a gun fight...