View Full Version : The Turtle Tunnel

Fri Jul 10th, 2009, 07:27 AM
For instance, the Florida Department of Transportation wants to spend $3.4 million in stimulus money for a turtle tunnel. That's right, $3.4 million to help turtles cross under a highway. Each year, 1,035 turtles are killed on a half-mile stretch of highway north of Tallahassee, according to The Lake Jackson Ecopassage Alliance, a group advocating for the tunnel. They are hoping to use the stimulus dough to save the turtles.


Only Florida would...

Fri Jul 10th, 2009, 07:33 AM
They have it to burn. I guess? You try and spend 787 Billion when you don't have a plan see how well you do. I think I would only be thru 10% myself. But I would have a lot of crap to show for it.

Fri Jul 10th, 2009, 07:51 AM
No surprise. Even the OMB said that the "stimulus" bill (that was not read until after it was voted on) had very little to do with stimulating the economy. It is a bunch of pork, shoved down our throat with the threat of crisis.

The stimulus plan, Obama's advisers project, would add 3.7 million jobs to payrolls that otherwise wouldn't have been there -- leaving the jobless rate in December 2010 about where it is now -- 7.2% -- rather than the nearly 9% they project without the plan.
Source: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2009/01/61148122/1

Yeah...try 9.5% and getting worse. But now they're talking a second stimulus that will spend even more money we don't have...just faster. Change you can believe in...

Fri Jul 10th, 2009, 08:51 AM
Have you ever been there while this crossing happens? Its a mess.... the tunnel is well worth it if the turtles use it. Nothin like trying to drive over splatted turtles, shells and a mass of seagulls and other creatures picking at the carcases.

Fri Jul 10th, 2009, 09:10 AM
Have you ever been there while this crossing happens? Its a mess.... the tunnel is well worth it if the turtles use it. Nothin like trying to drive over splatted turtles, shells and a mass of seagulls and other creatures picking at the carcases.

Hell, we should spend 3 or 4 times the money on educational advertising to teach the turtles how to cross the road safely and raise awareness. Or perhaps they should elevate the whole goddamn interstate so that the wildlife can cavort unrestrained.

Fri Jul 10th, 2009, 10:05 AM
Hell, we should spend 3 or 4 times the money on educational advertising to teach the turtles how to cross the road safely and raise awareness. Or perhaps they should elevate the whole goddamn interstate so that the wildlife can cavort unrestrained.

What if we sent them money to just stay at home? That way they wouldn't have to do anything but watch TV and breed.

I don't see why a wall on the highway was never thought of? That way they could save the 2.9 million and spend it on signs or hammers or trips to New York for dinner.

I am so broke and this waste is rubbing me the wrong way.

Fri Jul 10th, 2009, 02:37 PM
Essentially its throwing more money at a situation that they created by running that damn road through that area instead of going over or around.