View Full Version : Garage Heater

Tue Oct 26th, 2010, 11:40 PM
I've been looking at some 220V electric heaters to heat my garage when I'm working on the bikes. Anyone have recommendations on garage heaters?

Wed Oct 27th, 2010, 03:46 AM
It's not a 220v, but I have had great luck with the Diesel/Kerosene portable forced air shop heaters. It's also nice those times when you need to do some work outside and can keep your hands unthawed .

Wed Oct 27th, 2010, 11:06 AM

Any of the above will work. As for using any of these or the suggestion above inside your garage . PLZ be careful . Burning of Diesel or Kerosene will create fumes and or Carbon Monoxide. The ones I have listed wont create the fumes but will still do the C. M.

I use the duel burner in the link above on a 30 gal tank.

Wed Oct 27th, 2010, 05:32 PM
Trying to stay away from any fuel burning heaters. I would do a nat gas heater but this place is a rental, so something electric and portable. I want something that I can leave off most of the time and will heat the garage quickly. I don't think any radiant heaters will fill that bill.

Wed Oct 27th, 2010, 05:51 PM
I SOOOOOO regret getting rid of my kerosene forced air heater - that thing was the shit! :banghead:

Wed Oct 27th, 2010, 06:15 PM
I stayed in rustic cabin at 10k ft last month, and it had an old Mont Ward 220V heater that ‘bout cooked me out of the place. That’s what I’m after but the reviews I’ve been reading of specific models have been very mixed.

The Black Knight
Wed Oct 27th, 2010, 06:23 PM
I use a propane Convection heater that I got a Lowes. It's over 80,000BTU's and can take my garage from 25 degrees in the dead of winter to about 80 degrees in roughly 20 minutes when on high. I don't like working in a sweatshirt or bibs and got sick and tired of it. So when I need to work on the truck or bike in the dead of winter. I crank up the heater. Once I get it hot enough, I usually just turn it down to low and it keeps the garage at 70 degrees the whole time, even with the door cracked for ventilation.

In my opinion, electric heaters are a waste of money in that they cost you money to run. Propane is way cheaper and I can get a 20lb bottle to go for a long time when just using it sporadically. I know mine is rated at 48hrs on low for a full 20lb tank. Which isn't alot considering the amount of heat you can generate but compare a fill up at ACE Hardware for $12.95 to your electric bill during winter.

As with what others have said, Kerosene/Diesel force air heaters rock. The only drawback to those is the most I've seen have to have electric in order to run the fan. The Convection heater I got is all propane and requires no power. Has a striker to start the flame.

Here you go:

Wed Oct 27th, 2010, 06:28 PM
For you guys running fuel heaters, how do you vent the exhaust? I am in a condo and the only option is opening the single garage door which well.. kind of defeats the purpose. Crack the door and run a hose from the heater to outside? :dunno:

The Black Knight
Wed Oct 27th, 2010, 06:39 PM
I usually just turn it down to low and it keeps the garage at 70 degrees the whole time, even with the door cracked for ventilation.

For you guys running fuel heaters, how do you vent the exhaust? I am in a condo and the only option is opening the single garage door which well.. kind of defeats the purpose. Crack the door and run a hose from the heater to outside? :dunno:

Wed Oct 27th, 2010, 07:15 PM
I agree that electric will cost way more than propane. I'll look at those.

Fri Oct 29th, 2010, 03:06 PM
http://www.cosportbikeclub.org/forums/ QcHCoeGBojGhUXIC8gJigpLCwsFR4xNTAqNSYrLCkBCQoKDgwO Gg8PGiwcHB8sKSwpKTU0KSkpKS4pKSwpLDUsKSwpNiksLCkpKS ksNTU1NSotKiksNSwpKSopKSkpKf/AABEIAGgAaAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAUGBwEDCAL/xAA+EAABAwEFAwkECQMFAAAAAAABAAIDEQQFEiExBkFhBxMiMl FxgZGhI0KxwRRSYnKSo7LR4SWCohYkM0Nj/8QAGAEAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIDAQT/xAAjEQEBAAEEAQMFAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDESExEjJBUQQigaHw/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwC8UIQgBJLde0UIrI9rewE5nuG9K1UF/bQM+mzxykxubK4AuLsJZ7pqNDQjI5LLdmybpxadvYQaNZI/iAMPmCSPJIH8oZxOHMgBvvc5WldzmgYgfAjios6APaREDLiGrH NPm+uXcsPjEfNsfGakUYGB2IkanIUDRvcSEm9NslH+vZQ9wdFE 1ga1wcXu44g4kUFMt+9eouUB5dnEwNPVPOEOcd9GFtQAO3Pgoj eRYwNfMCW42DCQC1ji6jX6VJqRnoPVb7TI5oJwOc3To9I6ZksG dBwqVnlW7RMIOUOP/sifGNxJZn3CtU93dtDBP1H5/VcC0+AIz8FWEFnDY61OF2YJ6Iz3AEAADsSOW8GMPRdjduDRv3H FVHnWeO67ULTZK4G11wtr30FVuVSBCEIAQhCAFzpyjvcy87WQM Y5yM4d+cbK9+71XRa575ShS9bT3xn8piTO7RTTm9MtzWuOV+Cj 2SUrQimmuac47/Y0ENtnhjePnReLqcldouiFwJMTCd5wiqTDPk+UJYtonuJpO4ga kPy865LedrmUztP5jvkmdlkY1zmtaADqANd2aX2e6oAP+Jn4R8 02WXPIkJbwvlhZzocXtJwgipJOddc16ueaWcENYYa0wyO6xzzo 2n1a+JC9WoACgAAG4aJ0uE1wfeA9VC5G2X/GKCi9LAWV1uYIQhACEIQAqA5U2UvWfiIj+U39lf6oblZb/AFOTjHEf8KfJT1OldLsy3U5POoOY03pgu52af4eqe5T0pvkpmY 52UkPfl4cUsjfll6jP4pDaJDzh70oY/JGpxWycE1tfmnfZvN0Y/wDRv6gmK2FPmyj/AGsI7ZWfrClW2cOggsrAWV2uQIQhACEIQAqK5Xm/1J3GGI/qCvVUVy0SYbyFdDZ2HydJ+ynqdKafqRaxuoVI7E7oKL2dykd3n oI+nm+Sur0Y7UfaFbY3rTbOuVlinreo2HRPbHJ12Vk/3NnHbNEPzGpntj6Jx2Pdit1mHZaIgfxhTkNl06VCysBZXY4ghC EAIQhAYc6ioPlTtP0i2Mmp7MxYG8QHP178VfJW3t9fP0awyuBo 945pn3pOjXwBJ8FV1jmjnhEExwllA2SlQWj3XbxlvS5Hx+UFe7 SnaE52a1nBaQMQwtbQ6A13tKc7y2IkaKt6bK1xNzHmK+tFqiuV +CUZgvFBlpTet0sbupnZYjk9odzsGZ6TTXjlv7Vvt0lGj7zfjo vdouxwfF9gUORz4pS+6HyAANdkQdOxT1PUbHo3WiOrncSPQJbs/IYrRDIyhLJWyUO8jd3ZJyj2NtL88GEby7TyWm12qCxgtDxJKPd bmAe1x3dySS2Ntjou7rY2WJkjeq9ocPEaJSq05ENpufsj4Hu9p DI4gHUskJdUdzi4eSstdDms2oQhCGBeZCaGmZpl3r0hAc+Xntv NPI5t6WeRgjBDWtJiDX1o44iw1yKS3VLija8E0OhcACRUgEgZa BWnyg7EvtVHxkZZuaRnX6w7RTIjgCoE+5nRkCRha4CgcPk4ZEc PRZMebVJet+vcqu6ZzaFpLT9k0+CXXztK6zwc4WiTpNaA6gzca dYglJYZJAKNMfZ0oxXzG/jRNG1t3zS2UsDHSOxYqR1OTS3QU11yV9Pyk+7H97ky8LeL+Nv6 G9vKm+pIs9mGtMbtabh0N+6tEus/KfaZLLaJGsgjkia1zcEY0LqHECNRQqu5rqnaaGCQV7Y3fHcpbY th7XDDO+aItZLZzTNuoa5w6INQMhr2pLPlvCP3htlbLSSJp3uB 90ZN8m0qmlo7EpdZ2NjacTGyDM9KpNQchhcQPEDvSm69nZ7QfZ sOEayOyYOOM5eVUdGPPJ3eT4bUHR1BDST/AG0Ofw8V1DE+oB7QD5hVPyd8mojo94JaSC55BBfQ1DWNOYZXfv 4q2wFP3LldwhCFpQhCEAJJarrjk6zRnr/O4oQgGW07ExHqdHzH8eib59jJAOjn/cP2CEJ5nlPdlxlIxsRLiBLSafbb+6cRsnI8EP0IoavGh3aFCFl yuXbZwQ3ZyQWSHqxRgje4GR3m809FJrHsrBHQluMjQvoQO5g6I 8kISjc7gLKEIAQhCA//2Q== (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.orgill.com/200x200/0894139.jpg&imgrefurl=http://heating-and-cooling.hardwarestore.com/97-568-propane-gas-heaters.aspx&usg=__D4VkeWrB3LQ_L0wr_IvzfKxqYyo=&h=200&w=200&sz=5&hl=en&start=31&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=oHkeq5452f_4FM:&tbnh=104&tbnw=104&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlp%2Bheaters%26start%3D18%26um%3D1%26 hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox%26ndsp%3D18%26tbs%3Disch:1)

bought this two weeks ago at Home Depot



it rocks

what ventilation? I like the dizziness

Fri Oct 29th, 2010, 04:01 PM
For you guys running fuel heaters, how do you vent the exhaust? I am in a condo and the only option is opening the single garage door which well.. kind of defeats the purpose. Crack the door and run a hose from the heater to outside? :dunno:

dryer hose!

Fri Oct 29th, 2010, 07:24 PM
For you guys running fuel heaters, how do you vent the exhaust? I am in a condo and the only option is opening the single garage door which well.. kind of defeats the purpose. Crack the door and run a hose from the heater to outside? :dunno:

I have 2 small roof vents. I also crack open a window.

Tue Nov 23rd, 2010, 06:28 PM
I got the propane heater that BK recommended and very pleased with it so far. It rocks 50k BTU on low and will heat the garage in 25 minutes. I haven’t needed to turn it up to high…..80k BTU! As for venting, I do have a roof vent in the attic that’s a straight shot from the garage. I’m using a CO detector and it has not gone off, nor have I noticed any effects while working in there. Best use for this heater is for short periods to warm up the garage so you can work.

Also, found an good source for propane. AAA Propane sold me a used charged 20 lb. tank for $34 (they are $30 new empty at Lowe’s). Refills are $17 and the fourth fill is free. They are at 44th and Wads and another close to 303Cycle. http://www.aaapropane.com/

The Black Knight
Tue Nov 23rd, 2010, 07:25 PM
I got the propane heater that BK recommended and very pleased with it so far. It rocks 50k BTU on low and will heat the garage in 25 minutes. I haven’t needed to turn it up to high…..80k BTU! As for venting, I do have a roof vent in the attic that’s a straight shot from the garage. I’m using a CO detector and it has not gone off, nor have I noticed any effects while working in there. Best use for this heater is for short periods to warm up the garage so you can work.

Also, found an good source for propane. AAA Propane sold me a used charged 20 lb. tank for $34 (they are $30 new empty at Lowe’s). Refills are $17 and the fourth fill is free. They are at 44th and Wads and another close to 303Cycle. http://www.aaapropane.com/
Good buy man!! :up:

The other cool thing about that heater too is it will handle from 20lb tanks to 100lb'ers. Which I know some of the smaller heaters won't unless you run a fuel filter inline.

I fired mine up the other day as I was cleaning stuff up in the garage and it got it roasty toasty very quick and that was on low. Only times I've used it on high, is dead of winter.

You can't go wrong with it and you'll stay warm for sure.

Tue Nov 23rd, 2010, 08:09 PM
dryer hose!

Comes with clean laundry scent!

Mon Nov 29th, 2010, 04:13 PM
Samsclub has a 1200W (2 x 600W heater coils) 110V garage heater system for $69. I am SO tempted to get one. I don't like burning propane in the garage.

Mon Nov 29th, 2010, 04:58 PM
I have a hand-me-down 600 + 800w heater that does just fine for a 3-car garage in the middle of winter. 1400 to start her off, then 600 or 800 to maintain good temp. It sucks down more electricity than the block heater for my truck, but for brief stints it's nice.

So the non-gas route, Ricky's suggestion should be sufficient....although I bet you've already bought something by now.