View Full Version : Do it all boots?

Wed Apr 27th, 2011, 09:47 PM
Can anyone recommend a pair of boots that are good for 3 season commuting, walking, and occasional track days? I spend about an hour a day on the bike and I am able to swap to shoes once I get to work, but would like a boot I can wear to the store or to a bike night and not be uncomfortable. Protection is important but I know I will spend a lot of time in them and comfort is also a must. Something fairly easy to take on and off would be a plus too. Any suggestions that would fit the bill? I feel like I am asking for a lot.

Wed Apr 27th, 2011, 09:52 PM
I've got the new Sidi Cobra's. Super comfortable, can walk around all day in them.

Thu Apr 28th, 2011, 10:38 AM
I had a pair of TCX SS Performance boots that treated me very well for a few years, and were fairly comfy. It appears these have been replaced by the S-Zero model.

Very easy/quick to put on, decent protection and while not quite waterproof, they seemed to fend off most of the water. Used them for day to day use, touring and trackdays/racing. not as rigid as the race specific boots, but some armor around the ankle and a toe slider.

as a comparison, I have a pair of Sidi vortice boots that I can barely wear an hour or two at a time.

Thu Apr 28th, 2011, 11:06 AM
My joe rocket meteors treat me well. I use them pretty much exactly as you described (except the track days part... that's probably next year).
I'd occasionally like a taller boot in winter but that's just cause I'm a fucking pansy when it comes to cold.

Thu Apr 28th, 2011, 11:39 AM
i've had my Alpine Star SMX for over 5 years... sole could use some new rubber. But still in great shape. Well over 50,000 miles on them.

Thu Apr 28th, 2011, 11:43 AM
I wear the A* one-o-one boot for everyday riding. Maybe not the best track boot... The S-MX One is a bit more sturdy, but very similar.

After I got out of my cast after breaking my ankle and having surgery, I wore my one-o-one boots every day. Super comfortable, awesome support. I just hate tying them all the time.

For heavier rides, I've got a pair of A* S-MX Plus boots

Sat Apr 30th, 2011, 10:15 AM
Thanks for the advice, they all look like good boots are not as aggressive as a full track boot. I need to find some of these to try on.

Sat Apr 30th, 2011, 10:24 AM
I've been considering the A* Harlem for a ride/office/everyday boot but I'm not convinced yet. And no one stocks them so I'd have to deal with ordering online.

Sat Apr 30th, 2011, 10:57 AM
Can anyone recommend a pair of boots that are good for 3 season commuting, walking, and occasional track days? I spend about an hour a day on the bike and I am able to swap to shoes once I get to work, but would like a boot I can wear to the store or to a bike night and not be uncomfortable. Protection is important but I know I will spend a lot of time in them and comfort is also a must. Something fairly easy to take on and off would be a plus too. Any suggestions that would fit the bill? I feel like I am asking for a lot.

TCX Infinity. Gortex lining, leather shell. Definatly waterproof. Not alot of structure like a motocross boot but very comfortable. This is the boot I take to Mexico for 50/50 street-dirt duty. Still able to walk around the town centers after all day on or off road riding. Suitable for both sportbike or dirt bike applications.
http://www.cosportbikeclub.org/forums/ 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5Ojf/2wBDAQoKCg0MDRoPDxo3JR8lNzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzf/wAARCABOAE4DASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHAAAAgIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABwgABgMEBQIB/8QAOhAAAgECAwQIAwUIAwAAAAAAAQIDBBEABSEGBxJBEyIxUWF xgaEUMpEkUoLB0SNCkqKxwtPhFnLw/8QAFQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH/xAAWEQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/ADidMY5J4oheWVEHezAYpu9r4j/jkJgYrH8UvTcLEEgqwHpcj2wHZuHtYdnPuwxNMYc1y4Gxr6UHu 6Zf1xtqwYAqbg6gjnhVqt6jpn4G6v7wKi1+/wBRiybtMwq6TbDLAzyCnlkMTIp4VPEpAuBodbH0wNMK1+E2Fzy HfhbKrPNoGqJppczrlkEhDD4mwRrnQdbv0wyfLCx7Up8Ln2Zwr pw1koA/G1sCs0W1u0NNLxjNsyjlU3YNOzg+jEjF/wBn97saUkUWeUkskqaSVMAHW8Smlj5Hy7sCPpSbKT2fL+mLFu/y0ZttJQwSJxxmoUtqRog429gB64BkVPEARzx9xMTBVd3gU3xOy OYgC5jQSj8LBj7A4BWYJwRORzGGOzGmFZl9TSt2TRPGfxAj88L zUxiWkLq68SoS6k2Og18yNdO3FiVyqzRONdC3D7jHe2Eg6fazJ 4lHZUh/4QW/txXZW+yU6ntLW+gt+mLruopzPtjTOBpBBLKfpw/34A5crYV7bKUVW0eZ1CaK9XKw8uI4ZPPc1p8lyyavqy3RRAaKL kkmwH1OFezAvLKZGuXYliR3ntxCskKrPEQW6tu37h5YJ25PLeO rqa510ghCLf70jXP0VR9cCWB3VrrcHlpa/hhit1uX/BbJU8jCz1TtMdOXyr/Kq/XAi3YmJiYK8TSJDG0krqkai7MxsAO8nCzTu37YKRJEzsUdDra+ mn0wyeZUUOY0E9FUgmGdCjAGxse7C019LUByZ6kiymFgqHhNj8 xA8rXIwStMgt0IZeGzE/7wT9y1MWzbMqm2kdOkd/8AsxP9mBtMrx1DK41CqLkjUgDXu17e3ngp7lnQS5rGXvI6wsAW GoBcHs8SPqMCLdvEqYqXYzNHmtZ4ejW5A6zEAe5v6YXDNHbpIw lg57dOz/w8v6Emze1O00VPRkyCKEGobhQ2Y6gAtfQgBiPMYB1fN01WCG4k W47r958L3Pqb4DHEWDq3TlirA8J7MNllVMlHllJTR/JDCka+QUDClxUzs5EaSNfuX9MMzu/2gjz/AGdp5C4NXTqIalL3KuBa/ra/17sBZcTExMFa2Y1aUGX1NZL8lPE0reSgn8sLu1aUppA8LydOAV ZV4vTBo3l1oo9kKwC3FUFYFufvEX9r4CclRC2UyQQtUQ14kPDa MdGEBGpNtb9wtglc2Uyh4XW6FEVWZm4eIAa25+WLHsjnzZNmsW Y0xMiL1JolY3aM9oHEe0WuPEYrDxVE8pbrFb3DWsT66+18bNIl TRydUpIrNdl4il78jbtHhp4d2A2NpNoqzNdoK+r6WURTSG1M0h Xq9ii3YeqBiuCIli3MHVTpi0VlAJVE68JH74VCCnhY62x5p6FK 6VKdIo3duqOMqvuxAH1xRU3k6zKBe1wRz/3iybGbT1eRZpFU5ceuwKSxSElJF7bG3PuPL+uDOdnWom+3UNXQ E/K8iEI3k2qn0ONCnopIJEkSdJFB0PO3viBmtmdpsv2ipBLSSBZw P2tM5HHGfEcx4jQ+2O3hUamslgkWSBjHKpurq1mXxBGowxO7nO Js82Oy6tqpOkqeAxzNzLKStz4mwPrgrib44pJsloFUdT4u7HuP A1vzwJZoWUdZle3e35YZOso6aup2p6yCOaF/mSRQQcV2q3fbNVF/sLxE84qiRfa9sEBON2W3TIxHeNcYZDdyV08D24Mibr9n4Q3wz1 8ZPfVM/s18cfMd2NUSTQ19PIvdOhQj1F7/AEGLoHUOZGBbTWeNdeEjUeRGoxjfNMvmYg5bPIp5vPwADxsBfF kqd3+aI/CZKC410kb/AB4xx7u88qGAjfLT4vUyf4zgjk5Fmppa+CChzGTL6SeVY544pC Y0Qmxbrcx23tgh1G6GjqpTLNnuYBibkxxxLf8Alxz8m3WZhHUx yZrNl88AOsSyS2I9OHBaRQqhQLACwGIoeUu5/IImBqa3NKq3KSdVB/hUH3xd8nymiyWgShy2DoadCSF4i2pNySSSTjdxMFf/2Q== (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.motorcycle-superstore.com/ProductImages/OG/2008_TCX_Infinity_GTX_Boots.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/1/1/36/12272/ITEM/TCX-Infinity-GTX-Boots.aspx&h=600&w=600&sz=41&tbnid=Q66nf6uiniTQVM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=135&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dtcx%2Binfinities%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3 Du&zoom=1&q=tcx+infinities&hl=en&usg=__chlLuNn3urEyEpnskOyi13A9BI8=&sa=X&ei=ET-8TYH6KObk0QGS5ejPBQ&ved=0CFEQ9QEwBg)

Sat Apr 30th, 2011, 11:52 AM
Performance Cycle in Denver has the best selection of boots I've seen. I would suggest looking into getting a boot that you wouldn't have to change out for going to work or shopping. And later for more aggressive riding, track or spirited canyon in leathers, owning a full race boot.

Just remember when you get a new leather boot it's going to be fairly uncomfortable riding and walking around in until you break them in. Hope you find something good.

Sat Apr 30th, 2011, 01:56 PM
How do the A-star boots fit? Do they run narrow or are they pretty typical of a standard shoe? I found a few pairs of used boots on ebay that might fit the bill. I would love to get a a good deal too.

Sat Apr 30th, 2011, 02:09 PM
Most motorcycle shops carry boots like the A* SMX-2 and SMX-5, but not the SMX-R. I would suggest just going to your local and finding the right size. The track boots are going to be much snugger than the street. I was able to stick to my normal shoe size for all their products.

Sat Apr 30th, 2011, 06:16 PM
TCX Infinity. Gortex lining, leather shell. Definatly waterproof. Not alot of structure like a motocross boot but very comfortable. This is the boot I take to Mexico for 50/50 street-dirt duty. Still able to walk around the town centers after all day on or off road riding. Suitable for both sportbike or dirt bike applications.

Those look like solid boots! Could you walk 2 miles on sidewalk?

Sat Apr 30th, 2011, 07:35 PM

Sat Apr 30th, 2011, 09:37 PM
Stupid question, but are cowboy boots an actual option? Do they have any real protection? Don't the heels make it kind of weird to ride? Just asking because I don't know.

Sat Apr 30th, 2011, 09:50 PM
Depends on if you want ankle protection...

Sat Apr 30th, 2011, 10:21 PM
If I saw someone wearing cowboy boots on a sportbike... :nuke:

Sat Apr 30th, 2011, 10:32 PM
I wear cowboy boots all the time. I really posted it as more of a joke than a serious recommendation. They're better than tennis shoes but, as mentioned, don't offer any impact protection for your ankles. Or support to help prevent your ankle from twisting the wrong direction.

The soles and heel aren't "weird"

And Vellos, I'm sure I've worn my boots on rides you've been on and you haven't exploded.

Sat Apr 30th, 2011, 10:38 PM

Wait... what were we talking about? :boobies:?

Sun May 1st, 2011, 12:26 PM
I've had a pair of A-Stars Supertech boots for about 5 years now, and many miles in all weather. I love 'em, but if you get 'em wet you have to pull the inner boot out to thoroughly dry them and it's a pain in the ass to get 'em back in. I usually avoid riding in the rain, so I generally don't have to. My zipper on the left boot is failing from so much use, and they're fixing it for free! Yep, I'll stick with A-Stars gear!

Sun May 1st, 2011, 06:18 PM
Sidi Air. Great ventilation in summer, put electrical tape over vents in winter, and very comfortable.

Mon May 2nd, 2011, 02:42 PM
TCX Infinity. Gortex lining, leather shell. Definatly waterproof. Not alot of structure like a motocross boot but very comfortable. This is the boot I take to Mexico for 50/50 street-dirt duty. Still able to walk around the town centers after all day on or off road riding. Suitable for both sportbike or dirt bike applications.
http://www.cosportbikeclub.org/forums/ 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5Ojf/2wBDAQoKCg0MDRoPDxo3JR8lNzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzf/wAARCABOAE4DASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHAAAAgIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABwgABgMEBQIB/8QAOhAAAgECAwQIAwUIAwAAAAAAAQIDBBEABSEGBxJBEyIxUWF xgaEUMpEkUoLB0SNCkqKxwtPhFnLw/8QAFQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH/xAAWEQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/ADidMY5J4oheWVEHezAYpu9r4j/jkJgYrH8UvTcLEEgqwHpcj2wHZuHtYdnPuwxNMYc1y4Gxr6UHu 6Zf1xtqwYAqbg6gjnhVqt6jpn4G6v7wKi1+/wBRiybtMwq6TbDLAzyCnlkMTIp4VPEpAuBodbH0wNMK1+E2Fzy HfhbKrPNoGqJppczrlkEhDD4mwRrnQdbv0wyfLCx7Up8Ln2Zwr pw1koA/G1sCs0W1u0NNLxjNsyjlU3YNOzg+jEjF/wBn97saUkUWeUkskqaSVMAHW8Smlj5Hy7sCPpSbKT2fL+mLFu/y0ZttJQwSJxxmoUtqRog429gB64BkVPEARzx9xMTBVd3gU3xOy OYgC5jQSj8LBj7A4BWYJwRORzGGOzGmFZl9TSt2TRPGfxAj88L zUxiWkLq68SoS6k2Og18yNdO3FiVyqzRONdC3D7jHe2Eg6fazJ 4lHZUh/4QW/txXZW+yU6ntLW+gt+mLruopzPtjTOBpBBLKfpw/34A5crYV7bKUVW0eZ1CaK9XKw8uI4ZPPc1p8lyyavqy3RRAaKL kkmwH1OFezAvLKZGuXYliR3ntxCskKrPEQW6tu37h5YJ25PLeO rqa510ghCLf70jXP0VR9cCWB3VrrcHlpa/hhit1uX/BbJU8jCz1TtMdOXyr/Kq/XAi3YmJiYK8TSJDG0krqkai7MxsAO8nCzTu37YKRJEzsUdDra+ mn0wyeZUUOY0E9FUgmGdCjAGxse7C019LUByZ6kiymFgqHhNj8 xA8rXIwStMgt0IZeGzE/7wT9y1MWzbMqm2kdOkd/8AsxP9mBtMrx1DK41CqLkjUgDXu17e3ngp7lnQS5rGXvI6wsAW GoBcHs8SPqMCLdvEqYqXYzNHmtZ4ejW5A6zEAe5v6YXDNHbpIw lg57dOz/w8v6Emze1O00VPRkyCKEGobhQ2Y6gAtfQgBiPMYB1fN01WCG4k W47r958L3Pqb4DHEWDq3TlirA8J7MNllVMlHllJTR/JDCka+QUDClxUzs5EaSNfuX9MMzu/2gjz/AGdp5C4NXTqIalL3KuBa/ra/17sBZcTExMFa2Y1aUGX1NZL8lPE0reSgn8sLu1aUppA8LydOAV ZV4vTBo3l1oo9kKwC3FUFYFufvEX9r4CclRC2UyQQtUQ14kPDa MdGEBGpNtb9wtglc2Uyh4XW6FEVWZm4eIAa25+WLHsjnzZNmsW Y0xMiL1JolY3aM9oHEe0WuPEYrDxVE8pbrFb3DWsT66+18bNIl TRydUpIrNdl4il78jbtHhp4d2A2NpNoqzNdoK+r6WURTSG1M0h Xq9ii3YeqBiuCIli3MHVTpi0VlAJVE68JH74VCCnhY62x5p6FK 6VKdIo3duqOMqvuxAH1xRU3k6zKBe1wRz/3iybGbT1eRZpFU5ceuwKSxSElJF7bG3PuPL+uDOdnWom+3UNXQ E/K8iEI3k2qn0ONCnopIJEkSdJFB0PO3viBmtmdpsv2ipBLSSBZw P2tM5HHGfEcx4jQ+2O3hUamslgkWSBjHKpurq1mXxBGowxO7nO Js82Oy6tqpOkqeAxzNzLKStz4mwPrgrib44pJsloFUdT4u7HuP A1vzwJZoWUdZle3e35YZOso6aup2p6yCOaF/mSRQQcV2q3fbNVF/sLxE84qiRfa9sEBON2W3TIxHeNcYZDdyV08D24Mibr9n4Q3wz1 8ZPfVM/s18cfMd2NUSTQ19PIvdOhQj1F7/AEGLoHUOZGBbTWeNdeEjUeRGoxjfNMvmYg5bPIp5vPwADxsBfF kqd3+aI/CZKC410kb/AB4xx7u88qGAjfLT4vUyf4zgjk5Fmppa+CChzGTL6SeVY544pC Y0Qmxbrcx23tgh1G6GjqpTLNnuYBibkxxxLf8Alxz8m3WZhHUx yZrNl88AOsSyS2I9OHBaRQqhQLACwGIoeUu5/IImBqa3NKq3KSdVB/hUH3xd8nymiyWgShy2DoadCSF4i2pNySSSTjdxMFf/2Q== (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.motorcycle-superstore.com/ProductImages/OG/2008_TCX_Infinity_GTX_Boots.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/1/1/36/12272/ITEM/TCX-Infinity-GTX-Boots.aspx&h=600&w=600&sz=41&tbnid=Q66nf6uiniTQVM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=135&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dtcx%2Binfinities%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3 Du&zoom=1&q=tcx+infinities&hl=en&usg=__chlLuNn3urEyEpnskOyi13A9BI8=&sa=X&ei=ET-8TYH6KObk0QGS5ejPBQ&ved=0CFEQ9QEwBg)

Nice boots, also try out the Gaerne Protech and balance oiled. I have the protech which are not waterproof but the are insanely comfy. The Oiled are much more expensive and waterproof. I think Motogearoutlet sells them in Arvada (?)

Mon May 2nd, 2011, 11:19 PM
Can anyone recommend a pair of boots that are good for 3 season commuting, walking, and occasional track days? I spend about an hour a day on the bike and I am able to swap to shoes once I get to work, but would like a boot I can wear to the store or to a bike night and not be uncomfortable. Protection is important but I know I will spend a lot of time in them and comfort is also a must. Something fairly easy to take on and off would be a plus too. Any suggestions that would fit the bill? I feel like I am asking for a lot.

These have been pretty good to me, Sidi Canyon. They get a little tiresome wearing them all day at work, no issues on a bike nite though. Easy to put on and remove with velcro + ratchet mechanism. http://www.kneedraggers.com/product/618045/Sidi-Canyon-Gore-Tex-Boots

Sat May 7th, 2011, 12:47 PM
Picked up some used SMX boots off ebay as I couldn't spend the cash on a new pair right now. Hopefully they work out and they look to be in decent shape from the pics. Thanks for all of the suggestions once again. I will post up results when they arrive.

Tue May 10th, 2011, 08:04 PM
I've got the SMX Plus's and they are awesome. You won't be disappointed.

Fri May 13th, 2011, 08:16 PM
Finally got to ride with the new boots today and I must say I like them! I feel they may get a little warm but they are very comfortable and fit great. It took a little bit to get used to riding with them but now I don't know why I didn't get legit boots sooner. Thanks again for all of the helpful suggestions. Now I have to find the perfect gloves.

Wed May 25th, 2011, 08:02 PM
Have Sidi racing boots, but would like to get some touring boots