View Full Version : Westboro Babtist church: do they target old vets?

Mon Jun 27th, 2011, 08:56 PM
I don't know much about who they target and how they select funurals. I need to know if they ever show up for old WWII vets. Or do they pretty much stick to recent/young military? Is it always associated with gays or do they target any military period?

please PM me if you have any info at all.

Mon Jun 27th, 2011, 09:06 PM
^ Thinking of joining???

Mon Jun 27th, 2011, 09:07 PM
Patriot Guard riders National site:

Colorado site:

Wicky (Goose) and I joined, and went to our first ride with them a few months back. Mostly Hardley guys, but a great group of cool patriotic people. You should join.;)

Mon Jun 27th, 2011, 09:12 PM
I wanted to make the last local event, but could not. I will make it out some time.

I am asking because my grandfather is a vet and he is near the end. I want to know if there's even a remote possibility of WBC showing up.

Mon Jun 27th, 2011, 09:44 PM
I wanted to make the last local event, but could not. I will make it out some time.

I am asking because my grandfather is a vet and he is near the end. I want to know if there's even a remote possibility of WBC showing up.

As I understand it, they only target those lost in current conflicts. Apparently the US has only lost its way recently according to those nutjobs.

Mon Jun 27th, 2011, 09:46 PM
Typically, it's younger vets. They look to whore out the situation for a canned media and public response.

Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your position, WWII vets' funerals do not get the same attention.

And yes, the patriot guard is worth while.

Mon Jun 27th, 2011, 09:52 PM
Word. Seems like I don't have anything to worry about. I fucking hate those people and didn't want to have the misfortune of having to fuck them up.

Mon Jun 27th, 2011, 09:59 PM
One day an old vet is going to be diagnosed with a terminal disease. Then, with nothing to loose, he will say, "what the hell" and cut the whole picket line down. I hope it is me.

Mon Jun 27th, 2011, 10:03 PM
One day an old vet is going to be diagnosed with a terminal disease. Then, with nothing to loose, he will say, "what the hell" and cut the whole picket line down. I hope it is me.
I sure hope it's SOMEBODY, and soon. ;)

Mon Jun 27th, 2011, 10:07 PM
Pretty sure PGR will ride for a military funeral regardless of whether or not WBC shows up.

Mon Jun 27th, 2011, 10:26 PM
Pretty sure PGR will ride for a military funeral regardless of whether or not WBC shows up.
Yep, they generally do. The one wicky and I did wasn't attended by the WBC assholios.

Tue Jun 28th, 2011, 07:20 AM
WBC needs to burn...yep someday an old vet with nothing to loose will show up and take each and every one of them out. Maybe paint on the hood of the vehicle "God hates WBC"

Tue Jun 28th, 2011, 07:37 AM
WBC needs to burn...yep someday an old vet with nothing to loose will show up and take each and every one of them out. Maybe paint on the hood of the vehicle "God hates WBC"

i can definetly see that happening. some old WW2 vet thats has cancer or something is going to die soon anyway is gonna wait in the tree line or something and start popping them off.

Tue Jun 28th, 2011, 06:23 PM
On another note, WBC said that they will be protesting Ryan Dunn, an actor from Jackass' funeral. I would really love for someone to do something about this "church." What disturbs me the most is the fact that this church uses children at these protests. I can't say that I would act appropriately if I were at a funeral and this group showed up. It just isn't right.

Tue Jun 28th, 2011, 07:22 PM
Someone needs to take one of those water cannons they used for riot control in the '60's to those fuckers. Oh, and dump a shitload of pepper spray into the mix as it gets blown out at 'em........ ;)

Tue Jun 28th, 2011, 08:17 PM
Don't know how big it is in CO.... Why not find out one of their events, make sure the media knows & shows, & disturb the hell out of them.

ie.. If they have "service"... have the motorcycle group show up, turn the bikes around, & rev the engines. Imagine the beautiful sounds!!!!!

I'm sure once the cops show up, you explain the situation, & the cops would give a friendly don't make to much noise. Remember... most of them are military. By then, they would be disturbed!!

There are a million other things to do....
1) Park some broken down bikes in front of their driveways
2) Someone lay in the road like they are hurt
3) Megaphones bring a smile
4) MEDIA... remember to have them flashback to what they did!
5) God... the list is endless on how to F them & make their life miserable!!!!



Tue Jun 28th, 2011, 09:18 PM
One day an old vet is going to be diagnosed with a terminal disease. Then, with nothing to loose, he will say, "what the hell" and cut the whole picket line down. I hope it is me.

Funny... that's how I feel when one or more Hardly Ablesons are in traffic next to me blipping the throttle and blasting my eardrums out.

I understand how you feel.

Tue Jun 28th, 2011, 09:32 PM
They want attention, especially negative attention. Like a child acting out it's best to just ignore them, easier said than done I realize, but that's the truth.