View Full Version : Cager saves local motorcyclist

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 11:03 AM
A co-worker of mine was riding home from the mountains on Sunday when he was stung by a bee. He didn't think anything of it, he's been stung many times before.

A few moments later he was feeling dizzy, so he pulled over to the side of the road and got safely stopped. When he got off the bike he collapsed in anaphylactic shock. The woman driving the car that was directly behind him noticed something was wrong, pulled over and called 911.

The Docs say 3-5 more minutes of delay and John would have almost certainly died.

He's been released from the hospital as of this morning and is at home recovering. He's been issued his bee sting kit for future encounters.

Thank you to the caring motorist.

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 11:06 AM
Wow another one this week. People doing the right thing lately


Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 11:21 AM
Whoa, glad he's ok!

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 11:26 AM
Wow, so does this mean you can not be allergic to bees at one point of your life, then suddenly change and you are? Or maybe it was the type of bee?

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 11:32 AM
Wow, so does this mean you can not be allergic to bees at one point of your life, then suddenly change and you are? Or maybe it was the type of bee?

Alergies are an extremely weird thing.

Some stuff you might not know about them:

1) They can and do develop over time
2) You CAN'T be alergic to something the first time you're exposed to it.

So you for sure can develop an alergy to bee stings later in life.

The other weird thing is that he could be stung again tomorrow and have no reaction at all.

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 11:43 AM
Wow, you never know what's going to happen. Glad he's okay. I was smart of him to pull over once he started feeling the symptoms. Imagine going into shock while riding the bike. And good on the woman for pulling over. So many people drive by and never think of helping people on the side of the road. :applause:

Once, Chris, Dave and I were riding down by Lake City, CO and a bee flew in Dave's collar and into his jacket. I don't think it stung him, and he certainly didn't go into shock, but watching him pull over, jump off of his bike, and dance around like he was on hot coals trying to get his jacket off, was really funny. As we can all assume, Dave is not a very graceful dancer. After Chris and I finally stopped laughing, we got back on the bikes and kept riding. Just thought I'd share the only bee story I have.

Hope your friend is okay.

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 12:03 PM
Anaphalactic shock isn't fun. Been there before for sure. Glad to see people watching out for others.

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 12:10 PM
Thanks to the motorist and glad he's ok :-)

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 12:10 PM
awesome, +12 Karma points for her

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 12:18 PM
Right on..! I glad to here a good end...

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 12:23 PM
Thanks to the motorist and glad he's ok :-)

I want to steal your tag. I love it

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 12:28 PM

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 12:30 PM
That was Very nice and caring of that person to pull over and see what was wrong! We need more people like that in the world!

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 12:30 PM
Nice man, glad to hear there are good people out there still. Good that your friend is well too

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 12:56 PM
Wow! Glad he's ok, and cool that someone stopped to help. Yeah, allergies are weird. I've become allergic to some of the antibiotics I was prescribed. Nothing that drastic as I stopped taking them right away, but it COULD have been. Had a weird kind of reaction with my hand when I was stung by a yellowjacket a few weeks ago, but nothing like that. I guess you just never know, and it might not be a bad idea to carry one just in case even if you have no know allergic reaction to things like that. Some of the places I was riding over Labor Day, by myself, in the middle of nowhere, would have been fatal if something like that happened to me.

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 01:04 PM
Great job motorist!!! Really scary when you think about how these things can develop. VERY glad they were within cell range.

Once, Chris, Dave and I were riding down by Lake City, CO and a bee flew in Dave's collar and into his jacket. I don't think it stung him, and he certainly didn't go into shock, but watching him pull over, jump off of his bike, and dance around like he was on hot coals trying to get his jacket off, was really funny. As we can all assume, Dave is not a very graceful dancer. After Chris and I finally stopped laughing, we got back on the bikes and kept riding. Just thought I'd share the only bee story I have.

I took the scenic way home one evening, I'm also terrified of bees. A wasp flew down the front of my jacket and started stinging its way down my chest. I don't remember much from that point until I realized I was half naked in a field swinging my jacket around me. I was really shocked/grateful to see my bike on its kickstand on the side of the road! Reminds me of living that "Tommy Boy" moment. Someone had to have had a small chuckle...

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 01:09 PM
The bee sounds like he needed to be served a summons and done some time for his actions. Glad the rider was ok. That is good to hear with everyone getting along.

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 01:34 PM
My buddy got stung for the first time in his life while we were out riding earlier this year. We waited around a few to regain our composure and make sure he didn't shock out but watching him practically leap out of his gear before the kickstand even hit the ground was hilarious! :lol:
took 5 mins just to figure out WTH was wrong with him we were laughing so hard.

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 01:55 PM
Very cool of the motorist. Once years ago I was coming down from the mountains on I-70 in a very heavy downpour. I could barely see and was going pretty slow (slower then normal) and people were riding my ass. Eventually a cager gets behind and another in front to give a buffer and stayed with me until we got down. I was extremely grateful and it was a very cool random act.

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 02:23 PM

Indeed scary... I was use to getting stung by bees, and even was stung by a wasp while riding (multiple times).

Last year, my daughter and I were cleaning up near the backyard shed, and we apparently stumbled upon a wasp nest. I didn't realize it until we were close by when my arm started to sting. I then saw the angry wasps coming out of the shed so I immediately grabbed my daughter and took her inside, all the while feeling several stings on my arm.

Once inside, I find just one wasp in my shirt. Got rid of him and was observing my arm when I suddenly felt dizzy/sick and I lost my balance. I realized that this was not normal. I didn't go into anaphylactic shock but literally had to close my eyes and lay down as my heart raced really fast. Couple of hours later, I was fine... One of the few times where I saw my ex-ICU nurse wife worried about me (when I had bone sticking out of my arm due to a crash at CDR, she just went shopping...).

Now, a little wasp flies by and I am the one screaming like a little girl as my daughter looks at me funny. LOL!

Tue Sep 13th, 2011, 09:19 PM
nice! i saw some weirdo eat it off the curb on a bicycle on yosemite yesterday, he got up holding his head, I laughed.

Wed Sep 14th, 2011, 06:40 AM
I've been stung while riding. Once on the inside of my right arm. It swelled up but went away after a few days on the road. The second was in the collarbone area. I got to work and it wasn't long before I was feeling dizzy and went to the nurse for a cold compress and to be monitored. It's no fun (both were yellowjackets by the way).

Rita keeps a bee hive in the back yard and I've been stung a couple of times. Last year before going on the Colorado Freewheelers ride I was mowing the lawn and got too close to the hive. They chased me off so I was doing the side yard and one got me in the eyebrow. It was almost impossible to get the stinger out and Rita was due home in a few minutes so I waited and had her remove the stinger. Of course all the venom was in my eyebrow at that point.


I've been told by some folks that I should have gone to the doctors for this but I wasn't feeling any reaction other than the swelled eye. I expect it was mostly due to leaving the stinger in vs getting it out right away. This was on Saturday. By Sunday it was almost gone.


Anyway, if it was a bee that got the guy, she got paid back as a majority of bees have barbed stingers and die when they sting you.


Wed Sep 14th, 2011, 07:13 AM
I've been stung while riding. Once on the inside of my right arm. It swelled up but went away after a few days on the road. The second was in the collarbone area. I got to work and it wasn't long before I was feeling dizzy and went to the nurse for a cold compress and to be monitored. It's no fun (both were yellowjackets by the way).

Rita keeps a bee hive in the back yard and I've been stung a couple of times. Last year before going on the Colorado Freewheelers ride I was mowing the lawn and got too close to the hive. They chased me off so I was doing the side yard and one got me in the eyebrow. It was almost impossible to get the stinger out and Rita was due home in a few minutes so I waited and had her remove the stinger. Of course all the venom was in my eyebrow at that point.


I've been told by some folks that I should have gone to the doctors for this but I wasn't feeling any reaction other than the swelled eye. I expect it was mostly due to leaving the stinger in vs getting it out right away. This was on Saturday. By Sunday it was almost gone.


Anyway, if it was a bee that got the guy, she got paid back as a majority of bees have barbed stingers and die when they sting you.

Dood, that's gnarly, but funny. Glad you didn't react worse! I got stung badly by a ton of yellowjackets when I was a little kid when I accidentally stuck my hand into a next when reaching into some rocks. they chased me a couple blocks, and I guess my face all swelled up from all the stings so I got taken to the hospital. I was very young so I don't remember much of it.

MetaLord 9
Wed Sep 14th, 2011, 08:17 AM
Scott, I'm glad your friend had a guardian angel watch'n out for him! Good news stories like this are far too infrequent, especially in the motorcycling world!