View Full Version : books i had to read in jr.hi.

Wed Dec 21st, 2011, 08:16 PM
i had to read lord of the rings and the hobbit in school as a kid and didnt really like it but the movies are awesome! and now...

http://www.yahoo.com/_ylt=AqtexgfFJ8rXugRwPijrR3WbvZx4;_ylu=X3oDMTU3MDR 1cDZpBGEDMTExMjIxIG1vdmllcyBob2JiaXQgdHJhaWxlciBid gRjY29kZQNwemJ1YWxsY2FoNQRjcG9zAzEEZwNpZC04OTY3MjM EaW50bAN1cwRtY29kZQNwemJ1YWxsY2FoNQRtcG9zAzQEcGtnd AM0BHBrZ3YDMTQEcG9zAzIEc2VjA3RkLWVudARzbGsDdGl0bGU EdGVzdAM3MDEEd29lAzEyNzkzMDg1/SIG=131lh0e2g/EXP=1324610112/**http%3A//movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-talk/behold-hobbit-trailer-192526500.html

a year i have to wait?!!!?!!

Cap'n Crunch
Wed Dec 21st, 2011, 09:36 PM
I wasn't too crazy about the story, but the special effects were pretty amazing the the lord of the rings movies. My wife is pretty psyched about the next hobbit movies, so I am sure I will be seeing them.