View Full Version : CO2-absorbing lamps

Tue May 22nd, 2012, 06:16 PM

Shamengo pioneer Pierre Calleja has invented something truly remarkable–a light powered by algae that absorbs CO2 in the air–at the rate of 1 ton PER YEAR, or what a tree absorbs over its entire lifetime! The microalgae streetlamp has the potential to provide significantly cleaner air in urban areas and revolutionize the cityscape.


Quite the...bright...idea.

Tue May 22nd, 2012, 06:31 PM
Wow, that video really doesn't want to show anything about how it works. I'm guessing they are using the already existing lamps to generate light for photosynthesis. So someone has to drive around and feed them an they can only be use in areas that don't freeze.

Also the lamp now has to produce 2x the amount of light get shine thru the murky algae so it generates 2x the CO2. You probably need an air pump to inject air into the tank.... hmm maybe wishful thinking.

Tue May 22nd, 2012, 06:34 PM
Wow, that video really doesn't want to show anything about how it works. I'm guessing they are using the already existing lamps to generate light for photosynthesis. So someone has to drive around and feed them an they can only be use in areas that don't freeze.

That'd be my guess, as you see them light a regular lamp that seems to be the core of the free-standing green tubes. I'm not sure what or if they need to be fed as I'm no algae expert.

Tue May 22nd, 2012, 06:45 PM
They need a nitrogen source, albeit be small. You can see the guy adding something when they are pouring in algae.

Tue May 22nd, 2012, 06:51 PM
They need a nitrogen source, albeit be small. You can see the guy adding something when they are pouring in algae.

If they're in an underground car park, would there be sufficient nitrogen in the atmosphere?

Wed May 23rd, 2012, 12:12 PM
From the article:
"Algae, like all plants, feeds off of CO2, water and light. A fraction of the energy in the light it absorbs is used to convert CO2 and water to the carbohydrates (carbo=carbon, hydrates=water) it uses to make more algae. In the process it produces waste oxygen.
In darkness plants metabolize some of their carbohydrates for energy to stay alive, and produce CO2, water and heat just as animals do.
georgehapplegate (http://www.youtube.com/user/georgehapplegate) in reply to DcHewlett (http://www.youtube.com/user/DcHewlett) (Show the comment) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuWDex5mh5Y#) 4 hours ago

<LI class="comment yt-tile-default " data-author-viewing="" data-id="CrwUV6K28QDi6W8mGecigSGxOa1UuPStvbv5BHBVAD8" data-score="0">Do the math. Growing algae with artificial light will generate more CO2 than not growing algae. That should be obvious.
You ask who cares that growing algae blocks the light? Ensuring the same level of illumination means using more artificial lights. You could argue that: street lighting and interior lighting is unnecessary, so why not just use them to grow algae? Why not just turn them off, and actually reduce CO2 emissions?
Think it through."

Nothing's free. Now, if they were using sunlight on vast pools of algae for the express of adding O2 to the atmosphere, ok, but burning a fossil fuel or using atomic energy? Ahhh, not so much.