View Full Version : Helmet Bugs and Cell Phones.

Wed Aug 22nd, 2012, 11:53 AM
Two interesting or amusing things happened so far this week relating to Sportbike riding.

I was riding last night and about a mile from my destination, I felt a bug, a real live, crawling, 6 legged bug, inside my helmet wandering about on my left ear. I wanted to slam on the brakes, hit the shoulder and get rid of the damn thing immediately. Instead, I reasoned, "It hasn't bit, clawed or stung me yet. Maybe it won't. I have and earplug in, so he can't crawl into my ear. I'm only a mile from where I'm going. Maybe I'll just get there and then deal with the bug". So I kept going. The bug continued to move around, giving me a pretty good case of the willies. I was stuck behind a car driver that thought 30 was good in a 35 for the last quarter mile. Arrrg. When I finally got stopped, I couldn't get my helmet off fast enough. It was a little black and yellow beetle.

Second thing, I looked over at the car next to me on the freeway doing 75 mph and the white car next to me says "Allstate" in big letters on the door. I look in at the driver, bent over with a cell phone in his right hand texting or maybe just checking his e-mail. I guess that's what they mean by "The Good Hands People".

Wed Aug 22nd, 2012, 02:25 PM
TI wanted to slam on the brakes, hit the shoulder and get rid of the damn thing immediately. Instead, I reasoned, "It hasn't bit, clawed or stung me yet. Maybe it won't. I have and earplug in, so he can't crawl into my ear. I'm only a mile from where I'm going. Maybe I'll just get there and then deal with the bug". So I kept going.

I would have gone absolutely apeshit. I don't think I would have crashed but I would have been traumatized.

Your distress tolerance and self-control are impressive.:bow:

Wed Aug 22nd, 2012, 03:05 PM
Thanks. I was trying not to visualize a black widow. I just kept telling myself ,"It's a moth, it's a moth, it's a moth!"

Wed Aug 22nd, 2012, 03:16 PM
Could have been worst, could have been this:


Wed Aug 22nd, 2012, 03:27 PM


Wed Aug 22nd, 2012, 03:29 PM
A wasp was actually my first thought, but it wasn't buzzing. Still, it wasn't fun. 😳

Wed Aug 22nd, 2012, 05:28 PM
I was riding through Garden of the Gods a couple weeks ago, and the biggest stick bug I've ever seen decided to jump onto my face shield. I was very glad to be wearing a helmet at that moment.

The bug looked kind of like this:
