View Full Version : MRA Round 6 at High Plains Raceway This Weekend

Wed Aug 20th, 2014, 10:15 AM
The MRA returns to High Plains Raceway for the final time in 2014 on August 23rd and 24th. Join us for non stop high octane excitement as the fastest riders in the region race head to head on everything from 250cc production motorcycles to 200 horsepower open superbikes!

Tickets for all MRA races are purchased at the event gate each Saturday and Sunday. Don't miss the experience and excitement of motorcycle road racing here in Colorado!

Saturday includes Strider races for the kids during lunch!

Weekend Admission: Adults $10 for the entire weekend of racing. Kids under 12, military personnel, law enforcement and emergency responders are free! Stop by your local motorcycle dealer for a 2 for 1 admission voucher.

For a daily schedule of races go to: http://mra-racing.org/motorcycle-racing-schedule/

The Motorcycle Roadracing Association is 501(c)(7) non-profit organization dedicated to promoting safe and competitive motorcycle road racing events for enthusiasts in Colorado and the surrounding area. For more information, go to http://www.mra-racing.org/

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