Hi all,

Below is an email sent to the MRA list by Tony Baker last week. As a lot of you know, some ideas were discussed in the Charity Ideas thread, and you may have thought it fizzled out... Actually it has grown into something much larger than we could have imagined!

We will be issuing a press release within a day or two on this - believe me this is BIG. Here is Tony's email, and I will post back with the press release and more information on how this involves the CSC directly very soon.

Hey Gang,

Some of you may have already heard tidbits of information that an endurance race to raise money for charity is in the works. Members of both the Colorado Sportbike Club and the MRA are putting together an event called "Racing 2 Save Lives" which will be a week-long endurance race to raise money for charity.

The race will be held at Second Creek Raceway June 21st thru 25th, and we'll run from Sunup to Sundown all week long attempting to log as many miles and laps as possible. If things go as planned, we'd estimate that we should be able to run at least 25,000 miles during the week, and if racers will "pledge" their laps and miles from Saturday and Sunday MRA practice and races that total could be closer to 40,000 miles! So far the greatest interest seems to be in supporting children's charities (Make a Wish, Children's Hospital, etc...) though we won't turn down ANY donations for ANY charity.

We've already received a verbal committment from KBPI to help promote the event, and Speed Channel called yesterday about running a story about the event on "2 Wheeled Tuesday"! Additional local and national media will be contacted soon. We're working on having celebrity racers participate throughout the event to attract even greater attention. This is an incredible opportunity for our clubs and the motorcycling community in general to take center stage and show the world what we are all about! This event will truly be about outrageous generosity and unstoppable fun!

Details are still in the works and we could use as much support as possible to pull off this event. If you are interested in participating at any level, please let us know. We're gonna need at least 100 riders, support from the motorcycle industry, foodservice, promotions, volunteers, etc... Any and all comers are welcome - you only need to let us know how you'd like to be involved.

Please contact Tony Baker (#21) 303-680-7024 or Ralph Forsythe (#321)
303-907-7499 or you can stop by and talk to one of us at Pueblo this weekend if you're gonna be there.

Tony Baker #21
Ralph Forsythe #321