Fog and fogetts (40 and over), make your plans to attend the 2nd annual senior sport bike riders bar-b-que on June 9th. We will hold it again at the Wild Lane Bed & Breakfast Inn located in Loveland (Northern Colorado). I have also blocked out the B&B rooms for Saturday for those that would like to stay the night (free!). First come first serve. We will start with a 9:30/10 o'clock ride, BBQ at about noon, big screen motorcycle racing movies (bring your favorites), foosball tournment with a prize for the best team. Come early, stay late.

Hwy 34 west through Loveland. At 34 and North Wilson intersection (Safeway/Kmart on right), go another 2.2 miles further west on hwy 34. Turn right onto Wild Lane. Take the road to the right of the B&B sign.

Please rsvp by post or pm.