So today on I 70 was cruizing along and not paying attention or checking their blind spot a red tracker or something similar tried to take me out. He had started to change lanes going around a turn (didn't want to brake hard), but luckily I saw it coming in time. I was started to mkove over and I pulled in the clutch and gave it a rev. That scared the hell out of them so bad that he turned out of my lane almost flipping his pos and swerved over into another cagers lane. Another exhaust saves my day! Why can't people grasp the idea of checking the lane before changing by turning their head instead of only using mirrors? This is not the first time someone tried taking me out this same way this season am I doing something wrong or how dumb are these fools? I like to take the bike when i am going places which means I usually ride solo. (Anyone have a statistic showing how much more dangerous it is to ride solo?)