Hey everyone,

I am unable to go to the VIR round of R2SL this year. As many of you know, I am the silent auction coordinator. Because of my absence, we need a new silent auction coordinator. This is what it entails:

*Call on suppliers, vendors, shops, etc to solicit donations for the silent auction.
*Maintain the silent auction database - this is what generates the web page, the bid sheets for the event, the thank you letters. To maintain it, you enter in the donated item and a picture of it. It is really pretty easy.
*Oversee the set up of the auction at the event.
*Keep an eye on the bidding during the event, make sure the silent auction volunteers know what to do, answer questions about the items, hang out with Ben and Eric and whoever else is signing things for the event and get their signatures.
*Have the official time piece and announce the close of the auction. You will have people to help close the auction and chase everyone away.
*Check all the bid sheets for winners, enter the winners in the computer, print out the receipts, over see the distribution of the won items.

You even get lots of chances to ride. If you are interested (even slightly) email me at silentauction at racing2savelives.org (which will become *your* email address). It is a nice way to help out the charity (my last two auctions raised something like $47000 dollars for the charity), plus you get to meet and hobnob with industry suppliers and pro racers. Please, someone, step up and volunteer. Without you there will be no auction.