Found in the local rag ...............

I recently read a letter printed in your paper suggesting that if safety was the objective, motorcycles should be outlawed. Well I tend to agree; perhaps we should outlaw motorcycles.

But don’t stop there. If lawmakers are truly interested in the public’s safety, they should also outlaw 18-wheelers. After all, what are the chances of survival if one of those things hits you?

And what about cars? Surely they should be outlawed. Look at all the thousands of lives that would be saved. And, as a side benefit, think of the reduction in air pollution, not to mention all the money we’d save not buying oil and gas.

Hey, let’s all go back to riding horses! Oh, no that won’t work either, somebody might get kicked. Better outlaw them, too.

Maybe bicycles would be OK. No, I guess not. My sister fell off her bicycle once and really hurt herself. Can’t let that happen to some innocent person. Better outlaw them, too.

I’d like to write more, but it’s 8 miles to work and since I have to walk now (I normally ride a motorcycle), I better get started.