So, this is my first ever post, however I've been a reader for a long time now. Since I started reading on this site, I found several of the posts entertaining, and some concerning, and judging the average maturity factor of many posts, I decided that I would likely not fit in with this crowd, so I never bothered to come to a MoCo ride, etc.

So, I was out this weekend riding on Sunday, and the gf (a newbie this year) was riding with me (on her own bike). And she'd already come along pretty well since the beginning of the season, and thus we were keeping up a spirited pace from Nederland out to Lyons.

Then some friggin moron on what I think was a black R6 (couldn't really tell), appears in my mirrors and is not only riding my ass, but standing on his pegs, swerving back and forth accross the road demonstrating both disrespect, and his ignorance. Even though, I am sure to him... he was demonstrating his need to get by me (even though I was already keeping up a decent clip at 15 - 20+ mph over the speed limit). This dipshit was riding with a buddy on a KTM I think?

So, I decide to ignore this numbnut and just ride my own ride. Five minutes later, he roars past me (at nearly 110mph) at the enterance to a left hand sweeper, not only scaring the living shit out of me, but also risking his own life by crossing the double yellow at the enterance to a corner.

About 500 ft later I slow down... pull over to the side to let what I assume is numbnut #2 on the KTM go by.

I then resume my original pace only to catch up with these morons as numbnut #1 is riding wheelies behind a SUV he had caught up to.

I back off to keep my distance from this chump, and then they go screaming past 3 cars and 2 other bikers in a no passing zone, at which time I was praying for a cop to be rounding the next corner (and I hate cops).

So, I thought this might be a good time for a post about why I don't ride with you guys, why I never will.

If you must go that fast... go to a track. I really don't care if you kill yourself, I just feel bad for the other innocent people that will get hurt by people riding like this. I feel bad for people who have to pay higher insurance premiums because of morons like this.

In fact, I even feel bad for the people who get stuck in traffic for hours when the police and EMTs are trying to find pieces of your body out on 119.

-- AJ