Alright boys and girls, my previous post has been buried so deep it is learning to speak Aussie!
The idea is to leave Denver early morning on a Saturday and meet up with our bros and sista's in the Springs. From there they will give us a tour of their backyard arriving in LaVeta early to mid afternoon, (get in before the heat). We cool off, lounge around, party, maybe shop, lounge around, shoot pool somewhere, cool off, party, etc........grab some great chow, party. So then we crash, get up for some breakfast and motor like the wind back to home.
So, initially there was quite an interest for Mid July, now flying with this we will move it to the "Trips & Touring" section. I am looking at the weekend, of July 17. No we cannot please everyone, but lets see if we cant hammer this out , even if we are at the end of the month..
