Hi everyone,

I appreciate all the responses for helping ABATE. Not only do we provide the BEST (in my opinion) Rider Training in the State, we also work on legislative issues regarding motorcyclists in Colorado. Currently we have 2 bills in the Legislature HB-1050 Trike/3 wheel licensing. This bill allows a person not physically capable of riding 2 wheels or a person that has no desire to ride 2 wheels to have an opportunity to ride a trike. This will not effect current M endorsements. This bill has passed thru the House and is now awaiting Senate hearings.
Our second bill HB-1104 is Aggravated Right of Way. Currently, there is no law in Colorado Statute to address a Right of Way violation involving injury or death. As many of you know, we have lost many brothers and sisters due to these type accidents. This bill will fill that void and allow law enforcement and District Attorneys an avenue to address such accidents. The penalties and fines would be comparable to Careless Driving.

What can you do to help? We need support on both of these bills but mostly HB-1104. It is scheduled for hearing in the Judiciary Committee this Weds at 1:30. We need emails and phone calls to these legislators on this committee. Please contact me and I will be happy to direct you who and where to email. If you have any other questions, please contact me.