I have been searching all over for a site where users have poste thier experiences w/ tires. Anyone have a good link? I just picked up a 87 ninja 750r for a commuter and the middle of the tires are so freeway flat that you have to toss it into a full lean just to get it to turn. It makes my VX800 feel downright nimble. . Anyway, I have been thinking about picking up some of those cheap ass Cheng-Shin C6000 Barracuda V. My ride to work is 25 miles of freeway so I would hate to buy a nice set of tires and just flat spot the center on them in 4000 miles. I was only able to find 3 reviews on the tire on a bmw site and they gave the tire a 3.9 out of 5 rating with an average miles before replacement of 12000 miles! But, you know how those Beemerguys are. Just curious if these tires would work for me or i they a junk. Anyone actually ride a set of these? Most of the people who have said they were junk have never ridden them.