Wanting the most daylight we could afford, we planned our journey on one of the longest days of the year, Friday, June 20th, 2008. And the weather, well, nearly picture perfect for riding!

Our departure point: The State Capital building on Colfax. So, grab something to drink and take a relaxing moment to journey with us through four states as we see and experience what 1000+ miles of bliss on a motorcycle in under 24 hours is all about.

This link goes directly to Google Maps where you can click away. Once there, the index on the left will take you to each point, in order, along our route. Several of the photographs have links within them to either higher quality photographs or things to see and do along the way.

If you ever have plans to take a trip to the Black Hills, the Badlands or the countryside of our majestic plains this photo log will give you the chance to experience it from a rider's point of view.

~~We hope you enjoy it half as much as we did bringing it to you~~

A screen shot from the Google Maps page of this journey.