Updated 7/29
Update: I'm sorry to report that Scott Harter, founder of Velocity University, is no longer with us. If you want the details they can be found here:

I hadn't worked on this lately, but it had been something I was hoping to put together towards the end of the race season when both the participants and instructors would have more time. I believe the idea is still sound, so perhaps we'll be able to come across another way to put together a suspension training class such as this.

- End Update.

I was reading around on another forum and ran across some positive comments from students of a class provided by Velocity University, and Max McAllister from Traxxion was an instructor for at least one of them. So I looked at their website, but haven't done a much further research beyond the positive comments from a couple of students.

The class I read about was a 1 day session for $90 that taught a lot about general setup and tuning of suspension. While I'm not sure to what detail these topics are covered, from the students feedback it sounded like a great deal. Here's the thread I was reading:

On the Velocity University website (and within the above post) the organizer is accepting requests for seminars in different areas. I've read numerous posts about suspension setup, and I know some of you took advantage of having Mike Fitzgerald look at your suspensions at the PPIR trackday. How many of you would be interested in attending a class like this?

Suspension is a subject that has been on my mind for a long time. I think it would be a good idea to first seek out more feedback about the classes (I plan to poke around Google tomorrow), but if there are a number of us that are interested I think we should start emailing them and ask for a seminar in our area. I read that they limit class size to 25 people, and I'm sure we could fill a class with members from here and MRA racers...
