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Thread: Help with the garage door

  1. #1

    Help with the garage door

    Does anyone know why one of the garage doors will not come down when the weather dips below 30 degrees? It'll go up.... just not down unless I get out of my car, go back into the garage, and hold down the button.
    The other one works just fine.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Re: Help with the garage door

    On mine there are two small dials, one for opening and one for closing, that adjust the force the motor delivers. Closing takes a decent amount of force as the motor is working against the garage door spring. Anyway, if there is a cover over the light, the dials are probably under that (that's where mine are anyway).

  3. #3

    Re: Help with the garage door

    What do I do with them? Thanks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Re: Help with the garage door

    By trial and error, turn the 'close' dial until it works properly under similar conditions as to when the door doesn't shut. Should be plenty chilly right now. I think this should solve your problem. ??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Help with the garage door

    I suppose you could test the downward force by trying to stop the door during closing. See how much it takes each door before it reverses direction. Obviously, you don't want to do this in the bottom foot, but about midway during closing. Then compare the two doors, and that might answer if that is the culprit.
    Your grammar makes my head hurt.

    1994 YZF750R

  6. #6

    Re: Help with the garage door

    I'll try it...thanks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Help with the garage door

    Also, you should check(if equipped) the break beam. With the cold, the wood of the garage contracts, and might make the beam out of alignment.

    And grease is best, but you could WD-40 the wheels in the tracks to check for one/some of them sticking.
    Your grammar makes my head hurt.

    1994 YZF750R

  8. #8
    Say what again... Site Admin rforsythe's Avatar
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    Re: Help with the garage door

    I recommend a good heavy cat. When it's cold, tie the cat to the door. The extra weight will help pull it down. If this doesn't work at first, just get more cats.
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  9. #9

    Re: Help with the garage door

    Quote Originally Posted by rforsythe View Post
    I recommend a good heavy cat. When it's cold, tie the cat to the door. The extra weight will help pull it down. If this doesn't work at first, just get more cats.

    Tried go. Haven't been up on the ladder yet though. Car was parked under the opener.

    Tried first the white cat named Lucky....he just meowed constantly.
    Then tried second huge orange longhaired cat named Elliott....he looked bored. Neither was any help. Dog Molly barked a help there.

    Heck...maybe just call Overhead Garage

  10. #10

    Re: Help with the garage door

    Hey.....duct tape????

  11. #11
    Exposed Member Lifetime Supporter Bashed's Avatar
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    Re: Help with the garage door

    Quote Originally Posted by Pandora-11 View Post
    Does anyone know why one of the garage doors will not come down when the weather dips below 30 degrees? It'll go up.... just not down unless I get out of my car, go back into the garage, and hold down the button.
    The other one works just fine.

    If you have to hold down your button to get the door closed your optics are out of wack and need to be adjusted or cleaned so that they tell the door there is no obstruction and it is OK to shut. You holding down the buttonis overiding that saftey feature.
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  12. #12
    Senior Member PhL0aTeR's Avatar
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    Re: Help with the garage door

    Quote Originally Posted by Speedwagon View Post
    Also, you should check(if equipped) the break beam. With the cold, the wood of the garage contracts, and might make the beam out of alignment.
    Theres my vote.... if not the wood moving, maybe even frost on the lens.... is your garage climate controlled? if not, on those days you have to hold the button, look at your lenses and see if they are frosted over..... actually i think those things have lights on them , i believe if a red light is on, that means its not interfacing with the other beam.

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    Re: Help with the garage door


  14. #14
    Senior Member PhL0aTeR's Avatar
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    Re: Help with the garage door

    Quote Originally Posted by Pandora-11 View Post
    Hey.....duct tape????
    funny thing, i didnt like the "safety feature" of those stupid eyes, but just disconnecting them doesnt work..... gives you the same results as them not being in sync, i even tried jumping the wires, but couldnt get the right combination, so i removed them from the door frame, pulled out all the wires and duct taped them together so they were in sync and sat them on top of my garage door opener, secured with duct tape also..... lol

    06 DR650SE

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