~Now this is just too damn good not to be funny~

Why Women Can’t Sleep

Have you ever wondered how a woman’s brain works? Well, now it’s finally been explained. You see, when a decision has to be made, or a problem has to be solved, a man only has two balls, and those two little balls take up all of his thoughts. Entirely, all of the time. But women have lots and lots of balls. And every one of those balls is bouncing around thinking about something that needs to be done, a decision or a problem that needs to be solved. Yep. This is exactly why women can’t sleep. Up all nights, over and over.
Don’t get it? Well here, this should explain it all for you in one, easy-to-understand illustration:

Why Women Can’t Sleep: They Have Too Many Balls!

Credit: http://accidentalblogger.typepad.com...ant-sleep.html

