So Im gonna start a rumble here. But I want it to be an educational thread and not a dogfight.

My short story. I grew up on a TRS-80, then a Timex Sinclair, then Commodore 64, then a 128, then to PC's, then recently went to a Macbook Pro.

I just about had enough when Microsoft put out Vista and said they were going to discontinue support for XP. At that point I all but gave up on Microsoft and started looking at Mac's. First time I walked into the apple store it was a different experience than what I had been used to. It seemed as though everyone was willing to help, and the customer service I received was flawless in its presentation. I told them my story and the salesman spent over an hour with me explaining all things that were different.

After that I found a 2.4ghz 15" Macbook, 200gig HD with 4 gigs of ram on craigslist. I went and picked it up and I have been extremely happy. Just the feel of the laptop is sooo much better than even the Dell XPS's I have had. The feel of the keys, the lightness of the case, the aluminum construction, the lighted keys.....damn, I dont think I could be any happier.

Never had to worry about viruses, starts up everytime in less than 15 seconds. Can run windows and leopard on it. Runs vista and XP faster than a PC. What is there not to love.

I understand that each has its own opinions, I used to HATE macs and everything they stood for, but go get your hands around one, feel one....I just love it!!! Thats just me! Feel free to comment, I KNOW U WILL!!!!