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Thread: 10 mistakes guys make

  1. #1
    Senior Member Tipys's Avatar
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    10 mistakes guys make

    Now 90percent of these had my LMFAO. Now how much truth is in it is another story. So What does everyone think?

    These Deadly Common Mistakes…

    -By David DeAngelo, Author Of Double Your Dating
    MISTAKE #1: Being
    Too Much Of A Nice Guy

    Have you ever noticed that the really attractive women never seem to be attracted to "nice" guys?
    Of course you have.
    Just like me, I'm sure you've had attractive female friends that always seemed to date "jerks"… but for some reason they were never romantically interested in YOU.
    What's going on here?
    It's actually very simple…
    Women don't base their choices of men on how "nice" a guy is. They choose the men they do because they feel a powerful GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION for them.
    And guess what?
    Being nice doesn't make a woman FEEL that powerful ATTRACTION.
    And being NICE doesn't make a woman CHOOSE you.
    I realize that this doesn't make a lot of logical sense, and it's hard to ACCEPT… but GET OVER IT.
    Until you accept this FACT and begin to act on it, you'll NEVER have the success with women that you want.
    MISTAKE #2: Trying To
    "Convince Her To Like You"

    What do most guys do when they meet a woman that they REALLY like… but she's just not interested?
    Right! They try to "convince" the woman to feel differently.
    Never, ever, EVER.
    You cannot CONVINCE a woman to feel differently about you with "logic and reasoning".
    Think about it.
    If a woman doesn't "feel it" for you, how in the world do you expect to change that FEELING by being "reasonable" with her?
    But we all do it.
    When a woman just isn't interested, we beg, plead, chase, and do our best to change her mind.
    Bad idea. One that will never work.
    MISTAKE #3: Looking To Her
    For Approval Or Permission

    In our desire to please women (which we mistakenly think will make them like us), us guys are always doing things to get a woman's "approval" or "permission".

    Another HORRIBLE idea.
    Women are NEVER attracted to the types of men who kiss up to them… EVER.
    Don't get me wrong here.
    You don't have to treat women BADLY for them to like you.
    But if you think that treating a woman well means "always getting her approval and permission for things", think again.
    You will never succeed by looking for approval. Women actually get ANNOYED at men who seek their approval.
    Doubt me? Just ask any attractive woman if Wussy guys who chase her around and want her approval annoy her…
    MISTAKE #4: Trying To Buy Her
    Affection With Food And Gifts

    How many times have you taken a woman out to a nice dinner, bought her gifts and flowers, and had her REJECT you for someone who didn't treat her even HALF as well as you did?
    If you're like me, then you've had it happen a LOT.
    Well guess what?
    It's only NATURAL when this happens…
    That's right, I said NATURAL.
    When you do these things, you send a clear message:
    "I don't think you'll like me for who I am, so I'm going to try to buy your attention and affection".
    Your good intentions usually come across to women as over-compensation for insecurity, and weak attempts at manipulation. That's right, I said that women see this as MANIPULATION.
    MISTAKE #5: Sharing
    How You Feel Too Early In
    The Relationship With Her

    Another huge and unfortunate mistake that most men make with women is sharing how they "feel" too early on.
    Attractive women are rare.
    And they get a LOT of attention from men.
    Most men don't realize this, but attractive women are being approached in one way or another ALL THE TIME.
    An attractive woman is often approached several times a DAY by men who are interested. This translates into dozens of times per week, and often HUNDREDS of times per month.
    And guess what?
    Attractive women have usually dated a LOT of men.
    That's right. They have EXPERIENCE.
    They know what to expect.
    And one thing that turns an attractive women off and sends her running away faster than just about anything is a guy who starts saying "You know, I really, REALLY like you" after one or two dates.
    This signals to the woman that you're just like all the other guys who fall for her too fast… and can't control themselves.
    Don't do it. Lean back. Relax.
    There's a much better way…
    MISTAKE #6: Not Getting How
    Attraction Works For Women

    Women are VERY different from men when it comes to ATTRACTION.

    You need to accept this fact, and deal with it.
    When a man sees a beautiful, young, sexy woman, he INSTANTLY feels a sexual attraction.
    But does the same apply for women?
    Do women feel sexual attraction to men based mostly on looks? Or is something else going on?
    Well, after studying this topic for over five full years now, I can tell you that women usually have their "attraction mechanisms" triggered by things OTHER than looks.
    Have you ever noticed that you see a lot more average and unattractive men with beautiful women than the other way around?
    Think about it.
    Women are more attracted to certain qualities in men… and they're attracted to the way a man makes them FEEL than they are to looks alone.
    If you know how to use your body language and communication correctly, you can make women feel the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you that YOU feel when you see a hot, sexy young woman.
    But it's not an accident. You have to LEARN how to do this.
    And ANY guy can learn how…
    MISTAKE #7: Thinking That It
    Takes Money And Looks

    One of the most common mistakes that guys make is giving up before they've even gotten started… because they think that attractive women are only interested in men who have looks and money… or guys who are a certain height… or guys who are a certain age.

    And sure, there are some women who are only interested in these things.
    But MOST women are far more interested in a man's personality than his wallet or his looks.
    There are personality traits that attract women like a magnet…
    And if you learn what they are and how to use them, YOU can be one of these guys.
    YOU DO NOT have to "settle" for a woman just because you aren't rich, tall, or handsome.
    Let me say this again: If you know how to use your body language and communication correctly,you can make women feel the same kind of powerful sexual attraction to you that YOU feel when you see a hot, sexy young woman.
    MISTAKE #8: Giving Away
    All Of Your Power To Women

    Earlier I mentioned that it's a mistake to look to a woman for approval or permission.

    Well, another similar tactic that a lot of guys use is GIVING AWAY THEIR POWER to women.
    Said differently, guys try to get women to like them by doing whatever the woman wants.
    Another bad idea…
    Women are NEVER attracted to men that they can walk all over… Women aren't attracted to Wussies!
    MISTAKE #9: Not Knowing EXACTLY What To Do In Each Type Of Situation With Women

    Now I'm going to blow your mind…

    A woman ALWAYS knows what you're thinking.
    Women are approximately TEN TIMES better than men at reading body language. That's ten TIMES.
    I know, it might be hard to believe. But for example, if you're out on a date with a woman, and you want to kiss her, she knows it.
    And if you don't know exactly what to do and exactly HOW to kiss her, and you just sit there looking at her and getting nervous, she won't help!
    And this goes for ALL aspects of women and dating…
    Approaching a woman, getting her number, asking her out, kissing her, getting physical… everything.
    If you don't know what to do in each situation, you will probably screw it up… and LOSE EVERYTHING.
    And you KNOW it.
    It is VITALLY important that you know EXACTLY how to go from one step to the next with a woman… from the first meeting, all the way to the bedroom.
    MISTAKE #10: Not Getting HELP

    This is the biggest mistake of all.
    This is the mistake that keeps most men from EVER having the kind of success with women that they truly want.
    I know, guys don't like to make themselves look weak or helpless. We don't like to ask for help.
    Hey, I've been there myself.
    Let me tell you a little about me and how I figured out how to be successful with women…
    About five years ago I became fed up with the fact that I didn't know how to approach, meet, and get dates with women that I was attracted to.
    It frustrated the hell out of me.
    One night I was out with a friend, and I saw a woman I wanted to ask out, but I just couldn't get up the nerve to do it. I can still remember that night… right on the spot I made the decision to do whatever it took to learn how to be successful with women and dating.
    Well, after a lot of hard work and trying all kinds of crazy things, I finally figured it all out.
    I can now approach just about any woman and get her number almost instantly. I've dated models, I've dated actresses, and I've dated nice, normal, regular girls as well.
    It has been a very rewarding experience. I no longer feel that sick, insecure feeling… like I don't know how to meet women… and I might wind up alone.
    I know that anytime, anywhere, I can go out and meet attractive women.
    I've written a book on the topic, and I've done seminars on both coasts of the United States… and taught tens of thousands of men all around the world.
    R.I.P. Lahela 10/12/1986-08/01/2008

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    "I don't fail I just succeed at finding ways that don't work."
    Chris Titus

    CSC Spelling Bee Champ 2008 and 2009

  2. #2
    Senior Member Pandora-11's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Old school opinion?
    All of these are correct except #8(not the wuss part though) and #10. (you got it or you don't)

    ...especially #1(it's chemical) and #9.(we always know what you're thinking)
    Last edited by Pandora-11; Wed May 13th, 2009 at 07:32 PM.

  3. #3
    Gold Member Yearly Supporter mtnairlover's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Quote Originally Posted by Tipys View Post

    These Deadly Common Mistakes…

    -By David DeAngelo, Author Of Double Your Dating
    MISTAKE #1: Being
    Too Much Of A Nice Girl

    Have you ever noticed that the really attractive men never seem to be attracted to "nice" girls?
    Of course you have.
    Just like me, I'm sure you've had attractive male friends that always seemed to date "bitches"… but for some reason they were never romantically interested in YOU.
    What's going on here?
    It's actually very simple…
    Men don't base their choices of women on how "nice" a girl is. They choose the women they do because they feel a powerful GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION for them.
    And guess what?
    Being nice doesn't make a man FEEL that powerful ATTRACTION.
    And being NICE doesn't make a man CHOOSE you.
    I realize that this doesn't make a lot of logical sense, and it's hard to ACCEPT… but GET OVER IT.
    Until you accept this FACT and begin to act on it, you'll NEVER have the success with men that you want.
    Fixed it fer that's just eerie how true (yet funny) that really is.
    ...ready to take on the canyon at a time...

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  4. #4
    Senior Member Pandora-11's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Quote Originally Posted by mtnairlover View Post
    Fixed it fer that's just eerie how true (yet funny) that really is.
    Then it's the wrong guy....wait for the one who has an unmistakable chemical attraction for you and vice versa.
    The rest are all wrong.

    It really isn't about niceness....although there were some in my past where we shared a strong attraction and I knew in spite of it that he was a jerk and I just couldn't go there.....Why does that happened?
    Beats me!

    Also, nice has to have personality!!!

    Being funny....very important....if you're not naturally funny then be interesting!!
    Last edited by Pandora-11; Wed May 13th, 2009 at 07:48 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    I can say I've been guilty of #1 and #5. Don't really have a problem with the others. In fact I'm #1 all the time. I'm living proof that "nice guys really DO finish last(dead last)." Oh well s**t happens, I always get over it and can't really bring myself to change from #1. That's the problem with old school traditional upbringing and values. Most women today don't even get it.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  6. #6
    Senior Member Pandora-11's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Knight View Post
    I can say I've been guilty of #1 and #5. Don't really have a problem with the others. In fact I'm #1 all the time. I'm living proof that "nice guys really DO finish last(dead last)." Oh well s**t happens, I always get over it and can't really bring myself to change from #1. That's the problem with old school traditional upbringing and values. Most women today don't even get it.
    It really isn't that women don't get's that the attraction is missing.
    I've had guys in the past that I wished I had attraction for (they seemed to have it all)...but if it's not there, you can't manufacture it regardless of how you wish it were so.

  7. #7
    Gold Member Yearly Supporter mtnairlover's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    lol...sorry Jason. Actually, my perspective is still (even this late in the game) optimistic. And I do believe there are good people (both genders) all over the place. Just hasn't happened for you.

    Yeah and Pandora, I posted that "fix" because it's happened in my life, just not right at this, it's kinda funny. I think it's happened to a whole lot of us, both genders.

    Here's a many of us have had a friend who is definitely with the wrong person and you listen to their problems because you care about their welfare, but deep down you just wanna smack them upside the head and scream...WAKE UP!!!!
    ...ready to take on the canyon at a time...

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  8. #8
    Senior Member Pandora-11's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Quote Originally Posted by mtnairlover View Post
    Here's a many of us have had a friend who is definitely with the wrong person and you listen to their problems because you care about their welfare, but deep down you just wanna smack them upside the head and scream...WAKE UP!!!!
    All of us have held onto relationships way past their shelf life...hoping and wishing because the chemistry is strong. That will end when the constant hurt gets stronger than the initial appeal, something that often takes longer for some than others. Watch and wait...then pick up the pieces. two cents.

  9. #9
    Senior Member The Black Knight's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Quote Originally Posted by Pandora-11 View Post
    It really isn't that women don't get's that the attraction is missing.
    I've had guys in the past that I wished I had attraction for (they seemed to have it all)...but if it's not there, you can't manufacture it regardless of how you wish it were so.
    I agree, and the same can be said about women in a man's perspective as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by mtnairlover View Post
    lol...sorry Jason. Actually, my perspective is still (even this late in the game) optimistic. And I do believe there are good people (both genders) all over the place. Just hasn't happened for you.

    Yeah and Pandora, I posted that "fix" because it's happened in my life, just not right at this, it's kinda funny. I think it's happened to a whole lot of us, both genders.

    Here's a many of us have had a friend who is definitely with the wrong person and you listen to their problems because you care about their welfare, but deep down you just wanna smack them upside the head and scream...WAKE UP!!!!
    I'm optimistic Cathy, HAHA I'm to young to give up. Just ranting for a moment was all.

    "So live your life so the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their views, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

    "Finish today what others won't, so you can achieve tomorrow what others can't."

  10. #10
    Business in the front, party in the back! CYCLE_MONKEY's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    ......guess this would explain why my "balls out" approach isn't working.....
    "...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

    -Theodore Roosevelt 1907
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  11. #11
    Senior Member Tipys's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    See I have probly been each on of these exsamples at least once. A few of them I have done while drinking not the best idea.
    R.I.P. Lahela 10/12/1986-08/01/2008

    Want to become a super hero?

    "I don't fail I just succeed at finding ways that don't work."
    Chris Titus

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  12. #12
    Member Squisha's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Quote Originally Posted by Tipys View Post
    Now I'm going to blow your mind…

    A woman ALWAYS knows what you're thinking.
    Women are approximately TEN TIMES better than men at reading body language. That's ten TIMES.
    I know, it might be hard to believe. But for example, if you're out on a date with a woman, and you want to kiss her, she knows it.
    And if you don't know exactly what to do and exactly HOW to kiss her, and you just sit there looking at her and getting nervous, she won't help!
    And this goes for ALL aspects of women and dating…
    Approaching a woman, getting her number, asking her out, kissing her, getting physical… everything.
    If you don't know what to do in each situation, you will probably screw it up… and LOSE EVERYTHING.
    And you KNOW it.
    It is VITALLY important that you know EXACTLY how to go from one step to the next with a woman… from the first meeting, all the way to the bedroom.
    I especially like this one...particularly the part where it says "she won't help!" That makes me laugh, because I have consciously had moments where I DO know he's struggling, and oh hell no, I WON'T help. lol. I've also had moments where I DID help, and it was generally a mistake. A bad sign, if you will. Not to mention the fact that my "helping" is always misconstrued as a sign that I'm just as excited about gettin up on it as he is, and then the guy gets all very, and I have to be like, "down, boy!"

  13. #13
    I'm pumped... Let's let the healing begin! Lifetime Supporter ~Barn~'s Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Interesting article. Definitely a lot of truth in a few of those items, but also a lot of things that can become "circumstantial" at best, where you can make an argument either way.

    I think the bottom line with relationships, is that at some point in time you have to realize that if you want to be with somebody special, you have to be someone special.

    Only the two of you will know what that means to each other, but once you recognize it, you absolutely have to work to maintain it. You have to continue to cultivate it, if not amplify it, and supplement it. If you don't, and you fall into the trap of taking someone (or something) for granted, that will be the beginning of the end, in terms of mistakes.

    The above generalities are helpful, sure; if you're just trying to get somebody's attention (or keep it), and you don't want to make a perceived social mistake. But many serial mistake-makers have overcome themselves and still found a good-girl or a good-guy. It's complacency that is the real killer.
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    I rarely think of motorcycles without a little yearning. They are about moving, and humans, I think, yearn to move – it’s in our cells, in our desires. We quiet our babies with cyclic movement, and we quiet ourselves by going.
    Melissa Holbrook Pierson

  14. #14
    Senior Member Pandora-11's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Quote Originally Posted by ~Barn~ View Post
    Interesting article. Definitely a lot of truth in a few of those items, but also a lot of things that can become "circumstantial" at best, where you can make an argument either way.

    I think the bottom line with relationships, is that at some point in time you have to realize that if you want to be with somebody special, you have to be someone special.

    Only the two of you will know what that means to each other, but once you recognize it, you absolutely have to work to maintain it. You have to continue to cultivate it, if not amplify it, and supplement it. If you don't, and you fall into the trap of taking someone (or something) for granted, that will be the beginning of the end, in terms of mistakes.

    The above generalities are helpful, sure; if you're just trying to get somebody's attention (or keep it), and you don't want to make a perceived social mistake. But many serial mistake-makers have overcome themselves and still found a good-girl or a good-guy. It's complacency that is the real killer.

    Love that....great job!!!

  15. #15
    Gold Member MetaLord 9's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Can you count to 1? 'Cause this kid can. He's got the only rule you need.

    Check it:

  16. #16
    I'm pumped... Let's let the healing begin! Lifetime Supporter ~Barn~'s Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Quote Originally Posted by Pandora-11 View Post
    Love that....great job!!!
    Thanks 'Dora.

    Can I call you Dora?

    I'm so sorry, if not; I apogize. Gosh, I'm so bad at introductions, I never know what to say. I'm rambling, aren't I?

    I really, really like the name Dora. It brings out the pretty in your eyes. God, I love the way your eyes look, when you look with them.

    Speaking of that, I bought you these new sunglasses. I've had them on layaway since earlier today, but I just had to get them for you; they're the hottest new thing. I hope you like them, cause they are from the heart.

    You really should like them. I'd be really hurt if you didn't like them, actually. I bought them for you, so please like them.

    Anyway Dora, thank you. I guess... hm.. call me?
    Last edited by ~Barn~; Thu May 14th, 2009 at 09:00 AM. Reason: I'm so sorry for editing this. You don't mind that I edited this, do you?
    Aprilia RSV 1000 R Factory - "Gemma"
    MV Agusta F3 800 - "Amy Lou"
    Rattan Fat Bear Plus - "Lynda"
    (720) 935-6438
    I rarely think of motorcycles without a little yearning. They are about moving, and humans, I think, yearn to move – it’s in our cells, in our desires. We quiet our babies with cyclic movement, and we quiet ourselves by going.
    Melissa Holbrook Pierson

  17. #17
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLE_MONKEY View Post
    ......guess this would explain why my "balls out" approach isn't working.....

    Its illegal to walk around with body parts hanging out.

  18. #18
    Senior Member TFOGGuys's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Quote Originally Posted by Pandora-11 View Post
    Then it's the wrong guy....wait for the one who has an unmistakable chemical attraction for you and vice versa.
    The rest are all wrong.

    It really isn't about niceness....although there were some in my past where we shared a strong attraction and I knew in spite of it that he was a jerk and I just couldn't go there.....Why does that happened?
    Beats me!

    Also, nice has to have personality!!!

    Being funny....very important....if you're not naturally funny then be interesting!!
    I'm still going for the beating my chest, tearing leaves, and throwing dung thing....
    Thanks, Jim
    TFOG Wheelsports, LLC

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  19. #19
    Gold Member MetaLord 9's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Quote Originally Posted by TFOGGuys View Post
    I'm still going for the beating my chest, tearing leaves, and throwing dung thing....
    Jim, why you gotta bite my rhymes?

  20. #20
    Senior Member Lifetime Supporter Shea's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Quote Originally Posted by Tipys View Post
    These Deadly Common Mistakes…

    -By David DeAngelo, Author Of Double Your Dating
    MISTAKE #1: Being
    Too Much Of A Nice Guy
    Bullshit. The author has decided to equate "nice" with "pushover". I've dated "really attractive" women and I'm very nice, very respectful and still believe in chivalry.

    No self-respecting woman is going to date a jerk. Sorry to burst your bubble Mr. DeAngelo. There is a lot of psychological reasons for a woman staying in an emotionally abusive relationship...because she is hot is NOT one of them.

    Trying to imply that you have to be a douchebag in order to get a "really attractive" woman is probably the dumbest thing I've heard.

    MISTAKE #2: Trying To
    "Convince Her To Like You"
    Yeah, have some self-respect man. She doesn't like? Move on. Nothing worse then coming across as a desperate loser.

    MISTAKE #3: Looking To Her
    For Approval Or Permission
    Men are supposed to be confident in a relationship. Unfortunately we have been taught in this society to be more like women, instead of men. Net result - Lots of guys looking to build "consensus" instead of making a decision.

    MISTAKE #4: Trying To Buy Her
    Affection With Food And Gifts
    God this guy has a superficial grasp of male/female interaction...

    Women are genetically pre-programed to look for a good provider. Someone able to take care of them and their potential offspring. No women wants a guy who is unemployed and living in their parent's basement. That being said, some guy who makes it a point to flaunt his worldly possessions is just looking for another one (with boobs) and women can smell it.

    However, giving gifts (one of the five languages of love) may be how he shows love or how the lady recieves it. How and why the gifts are given are of monumental importance.

    MISTAKE #5: Sharing
    How You Feel Too Early In
    The Relationship With Her
    Think there is a little bit more nuance to this then this guy understands, but in general, yeah, it's bad form to tell a woman you love her on the second date.

    Emotional intimacy comes much later in a relationship. In marketing, you never tell your prospective client the price up front. You show them all the positives first, tell them why they can't live without your product and then once they're sold you tell them the cost. Same with dating. Always stay positive, show her what a great catch you are, and only after you have built that rapport (and thus the necessary framework to communicate and process as a couple) do you express some of the less then flatering aspects of your life. No, this does not mean you gloss over that you been married five times, have 16 kids and have every STD known to man...

    MISTAKE #6: Not Getting How
    Attraction Works For Women
    You mean women are different then men? Took you five years to figure that one out eh?

    MISTAKE #7: Thinking That It
    Takes Money And Looks
    The human psyche loves if-then statements (don't we Sully? ).

    MISTAKE #8: Giving Away
    All Of Your Power To Women
    Totally agree with this one. But once again, this is the way men are conditioned. Women want men to behave, think and act like women (watch Oprah sometime and you'll see exactly what I mean). Women think men are lazy because we don't understand how to talk to them. Well guess what ladies, you don't do the work to understand us either.

    We aren't wired like you, we literally think differently then you and the way we communicate is (big shocker) completely opposite the way you do. You also possess a far greater catalogue of emotions (and the skills to express them) then we EVER will. Some of this has to do with the distrubution of labor in our early history (hunter v. gatherers) and some has to do with the various hormones that we play with (1 for us, 3 for you).

    MISTAKE #9: Not Knowing EXACTLY What To Do In Each Type Of Situation With Women
    Bullshit, once again. "Women" are not some monolithic, factory produced clone. Every woman is different. A man will be successful if he pays attention, finds out what makes a women happy and provides that for her. Yes, there are some universal truths but even then, the proportions can be different. To much of X, is never a good thing.

    MISTAKE #10: Not Getting HELP

    Honestly I think this guy is a waste of time. Nothing enlightening to his "how to score with hot chicks" methodology. All it comes down to is knowing who you are, knowing what you want and being open to letting it come to you. Don't settle or it will end badly for everyone...
    Last edited by Shea; Thu May 14th, 2009 at 08:54 AM.
    Now bikeless...

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post

  21. #21
    Gold Member MetaLord 9's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Shea. You need to organize your responses into one very long sentences with poor spelling & errant grammar.

  22. #22
    Senior Member Lifetime Supporter Shea's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Quote Originally Posted by MetaLord 9 View Post
    Shea. You need to organize your responses into one very long sentences with poor spelling & errant grammar.
    But then how could the reader distinguish my posts from yours???

    OH SNAP!
    Now bikeless...

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post

  23. #23
    Gold Member MetaLord 9's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    Quote Originally Posted by Shea View Post
    But then how could the reader distinguish my posts from yours???

    OH SNAP!
    Yeah, 'cause my name is Tipsy, I mean Tipys.

  24. #24
    Member ultracyber's Avatar
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    Re: 10 mistakes guys make

    "However, giving gifts (one of the five languages of love) may be how he shows love or how the lady recieves it. How and why the gifts are given are of monumental importance."

    What are the five languages of love?

    __________________________________________________ _________

    What happened to clubbing a women and dragging her to your cave by her hair?

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