Leaving the vet yesterday after receiving a $850 vet bill for having 4 teeth pulled for my Shiba Inu I pulled out into the middle median during rush hour. The hole that was there for me to enter the street closed up quickly and before I knew it I couldn't see shit...Blindly I pulled out into the lane to enter traffic because I was getting pressure from the other cars and got whacked.

My fault. He was going about 50 and tried to stop but couldn't. No one was hurt, we both had insurance and everything was cool. Weak move on my part.

Anyways, I have a damaged vehicle and need to get it fixed. The issue is that I have $1000 deductible and don't have that kinda cash laying around. So I am thinking that I get a robust estimate or an estimate for all original BMW parts and then slide on a few details to cover my deductible.

Anyone you know that runs a body shop or anyone that will play ball please let me know. I need to get this done ASAP.