So I had a problem with my bike yesterday and needed someone to pick me & the bike up in Walsenburg. I was with Timmay, GixxerCarrie, Matty, and Becky on this ride and they did a great job of taking care of me while working on the bike on the shoulder of I25 South (the boys worked on the bike while the girls helped me through my meltdown). I wanted the group to be able to continue on our planned ride, so I started calling around trying to find someone to come and get me. I called my husband, no answer! I called my big brother Jeff (Sortarican), no answer! That’s when I started to cry. I called my little brother Gene (Supa77), no answer! Timmay was about ready to cancel the trip, ride all the way home to get his truck and come back to pick up my bike, when Gene called me back. Gene was ready to come get me, but he had no ramp for his truck. While Gene was trying to find a ramp, Jeff called me back. Then I think Jeff called everyone in the CSC that has a truck and/or a trailer. When my husband got my message and called me back, Gene & Jeff already had the rescue plan in place.

We locked the bike to a road sign on the frontage road by the highway and I rode on the back of Matty’s bike into downtown Walsenburg where we met Timmay’s dad for lunch. In the couple of hours that we hung out in Walsenburg waiting for Dana, Gene, and Jeff to arrive, I got text messages and phone calls from so many friends just wanting to make sure I was okay. I had multiple offers from friends who were busy at the moment, but offered to pick me up later in the day if I needed them to. And the friends I was with refused to ride on until I was safely on my way home with the bike. I am very thankful to have so many good friends to take care of me. Thank you very much and I love you guys!