Leon Gessi's 7pm corner of Palmer Park and Union.
Leon Gessi
1806 Palmer Park Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Leon Gessi's 7pm corner of Palmer Park and Union.
Leon Gessi
1806 Palmer Park Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Faster. Till the thrill of speed over comes the fear of death.
I'll bring you a calendar, Y.
"....dumb.....arrogant......condescending..... .
oh...and from PMs "dumb broad".
"Posted by chanke4252"
Faster. Till the thrill of speed over comes the fear of death.
Since it's accross the street I should be there.
Bashed Bikes, Fat Kids Inc., JDH Welding /Mental made me follow him into that corner... And then he followed me down that hill and then Dallas followed too!
Me too
If You Can't Ride It or Take it to Bed. It Ain't Worth Having!
I guess I could coast down the hill.
See yous peeps then.
* Bash, Bashasaurus, Ms Bash, his neighbors or friends are not responsible for any incidents, accidents, or accusations, that might result from you being squidish, squid like, squirting ink, or waving your non-covered tentacles about in a squidy fashion. Nor is he or his associates responsible for any citations as a result of you hanging with SoCo. Any attempt to coerce, blame, question, or pin your loser-riffic behavior on any of us, or those who are considered us for the night, as well as people we like, to include Salma Hayek and Nicky Hayden, among others, will result in a profanity stricken series of post that mock and taunt you incessantly, as well as many of us adding such insults to our signature lines. Avoid taking SoCo before bedtime. Do not use if you experience faintness, dizziness, inverness, difficulty urinating or blotchy skin. If I steal a line, quote, avatar or image from a post you make on the internet, you're not getting credit.*
We'll be late, the better half working.
COS Mille
Haven't had Leon Gessie's in forever. Might have to head down tonight and meet some of the south bound riders. See when I get out of work.
man, i wish i could have made it, how was it?