Quote Originally Posted by D Berns R6 View Post
Doesn't matter how clear you think it's visible, it has to be visible at 100 ft. and if it's not then you will get stopped...BTW if it really was the dead middle of the back window (i think that's a little exaggeration though) it would be another violation (obstructing your view). Either violation will get you stopped.
It is a 3 gen Firebird so the slant of the window I felt it necessary to put it truly realistically in the middle.....

Actually rear view obstruction is avoided having both outside mirrors and it is visible at 200 feet. Officer admitted he missed the tag. Point being he could have just been a prick and found any number of other violation and wrote that or could have wrote other stuff but my insurance is current and my license is current so he felt I did nothing to deem it necessary

back on point...
Main subject is secondary in my case, thinking, is the fact I was shaken by being pulled over when I shouldn't be in fear of the police dept. Especially when I am doing what I am supposed to be doing i.e. doing nothing illegal speeding or otherwise. I shouldn't have to be an attorney or have to hire an attorney to understand every little law that has been slipped in to affect just because of a money crunch.