Meh. This is all great information, but this is the part of working out that is a higher level than I'm interested in. For me, I'm not fat, I'm not ripped, I'm in between. I consider myself fairly strong and I don't tend to run across any situations where I go "damn, I wish I was a lot stronger." I totally get that some folks are working out with specific goals in mind, but I think that you can achieve a really good state of fitness without a lot of this stuff. I think a small part of why people don't get out & exercise more is because this portion (supplements, shocking your muscles, protein ratios, etc.) is intimidating and probably not all that necessary for the average person.

Do you all think/know you'd be a lot different if you didn't do the supplements? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely interested. Do you think that the average person can get above average fitness with just a good routine & a decent diet? Or would you all say that the protein & supplements are integral?