I just had a very bizarre experience at my polling location in Denver...

After saying my name, the poll worker asked me to present a "valid Photo ID", even though it doesn't necessarily have to have a photo according to Colorado law [Any eligible elector desiring to vote shall show his or her identification as defined in section 1-1-104 (19.5) --- which allows non photo forms of ID such as a utility bill]. I agreed and gave him my Driver's License.

Then, the poll worker folded the log over (to purposefully hide the print from me), and said "now - verify your mailing address for me." I began feeling a little uncomfortable, but proceeded to tell him my address.

He then REACHED BELOW THE TABLE, pulled out a yellow card with print on it, and said "now - you must read outloud this voter declaration, before I can allow you to sign the log." It was a print out of the declaration at the bottom of mail-in ballots, along the lines of "I will only vote once in this election, and I am the person I claim to represent, etc. etc. etc.".

I signed the log, and went to vote.


I have NEVER experienced this EVER during my 11 years of voting in Colorado. Typically, I say my name, show my ID, sign, and vote. I felt like I was getting the 9th degree from the poll worker. Is this procedure standard practice? WTF?