Quote Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch View Post
Dean - I've been keeping an eye out for you, but the job market for cad ppl has been really bad. I was over at the Avatech offices a couple of weeks ago and it was like a ghost town. I think they laid off all their cad trainers execpt for about 3. I've also talked with a couple people at architecht firms and they don't seem ready to start hiring people back.
At some point, the company that I am working for will need another cad person, but we haven't got funding for the position yet. We've been waiting forever and have no indication on when we are hiring - it could be next week, or it could be two years from now. But, when I do hear of something, I will let you know.
Right on, bro!! Yeah, everyone seems to be out of business or on the verge of. The other architects and engineers I used to work with have actually hit me up for work. That was about a year ago. Most are out of business, now. Out of the six or seven builders I used to work with, only one is left and he moved into his basement and layed everyone else off. Starts to seem hopeless after a point!!