From last spring...
From last spring...
Nice video, does anybody know of any stunt spots in denver? i just recenty purchased a stunt bike from a freind and have been looking for a good spot to ride it. Just workin on small stuff but like wheelies and stoppies but the lot ive been at is really small and its always cool to be around other riders. Maybe even get some more instruction, thanks any info would be great or pm me.
Denver spots are hott! Lol, the guys up that way usually ride in the havana i70 area but I know they got boot'd last weekend from the spot up there... they are just being lazy and need to go find another spot, there's billions of parking lots in that area... and there are a few of us down here in the springs and we have spots for nights and weekends at the moment...
Thanks for the info the springs is a strecth for me right now way to busy with work, but always lookin for new spots... that blows about havana was just told about it last night lol!
Don't worry there are a bunch of riders up there and they probably just move over to another spot down the street if not across it hahahaha