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Thread: Pics of Crash-6/9/11 Deckers

  1. #49
    Senior Member SaShWhO's Avatar
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    Re: Pics of Crash-6/9/11 Deckers

    makes my heart bleed to see that beem dream all banged up like that
    glad you're ok tho

  2. #50
    Exposed Member Lifetime Supporter Bashed's Avatar
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    Re: Pics of Crash-6/9/11 Deckers

    Quote Originally Posted by brennahm View Post
    It's also not a good idea to post up the exact routes most commonly taken on a public forum. Overcautious? Perhaps. But I won't post them. Go on rides.

    Decker's is probably the most ridden route by sportbikers on the Front Range, certainly not any secret to johny law.

    Overcautious, naw, parinoid sounds more appropriate.
    * Bash, Bashasaurus, Ms Bash, his neighbors or friends are not responsible for any incidents, accidents, or accusations, that might result from you being squidish, squid like, squirting ink, or waving your non-covered tentacles about in a squidy fashion. Nor is he or his associates responsible for any citations as a result of you hanging with SoCo. Any attempt to coerce, blame, question, or pin your loser-riffic behavior on any of us, or those who are considered us for the night, as well as people we like, to include Salma Hayek and Nicky Hayden, among others, will result in a profanity stricken series of post that mock and taunt you incessantly, as well as many of us adding such insults to our signature lines. Avoid taking SoCo before bedtime. Do not use if you experience faintness, dizziness, inverness, difficulty urinating or blotchy skin. If I steal a line, quote, avatar or image from a post you make on the internet, you're not getting credit.*

  3. #51
    Senior Member GSXRJOHNNY's Avatar
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    Re: Pics of Crash-6/9/11 Deckers

    My one and only speeding ticket on a motorcycle (in 44 years of riding) was on the Deckers route, 72mph in a 35 zone. But the kindly officer reduced it after discovering my age and seeing the amount of very slow moving traffic I was trying to escape from. I also want to add that this corner is a tricky one and as gsxrscott pointed out, you just have to trust the bike to do what it needs to do even when you don't think you yourself can do it. I always look where I need to go, target fixate on your line, the correct line will always get you through the corner unless your way too fast going in. My old GSXR1000 did things I didn't think was possible for me to do. The power never scared me, but demanded a lot of respect and knowledge of when and where to pull it trigger. It was a bike you could ride at 5-7k rpm and still keep up with everyone else was nearly redlining their bikes to oblivion. This made it a very relaxing bike to ride, and let me concentrate on staying on the road. Glad everybody is ok. Poor bikes,,,,sob!
    Last edited by GSXRJOHNNY; Tue Jun 28th, 2011 at 05:14 AM. Reason: addition

  4. #52
    Senior Member mdub's Avatar
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    Re: Pics of Crash-6/9/11 Deckers

    I remember when I first laid my 03 600rr on Hawthorne Rd. in Golden Gate. Downhill going too fast on a literally 15 mhp curve. Thank goodness no else was coming up the other direction. The bike and myself just went off the road about 15 feet. It took 3 of us to get it out. Road rash on right side on bike. I was ok , but definitely bummed....I wish I brought a camera that day.

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