"California does it, why can't we?"

They also have a helmet law. Ya wanna bring that over from Cali too? I am 100% for wearing helmets, don't get me wrong. But you cannot reasonably expect a lane sharing initiative to get any traction without also considering all the other Kalifornia laws. They were kicking around the idea of requiring motorcycles to have emissions testing done, ferchristsakes!

Sorry, but saying "It works there. It will work here" is like saying universal health care works in Europe, it'll work here. That is NOT a valid way to further an argument. In many European countries they also have oppressive laws that make it so hard to buy a house that it's not uncommon to see 3 generations living in the same house - would we want THAT imported from Europe too? I hope not.

I wouldn't favor a lane splitting law here because I already read too many stories about motorcyclists getting killed. Lane splitting is just unsafe by nature - you're going past people who are listening to NPR, putting on makeup, smacking the kid in the back seat, and sipping on a Starbucks while sending off a text message. They are NOT looking for motorcycles in front of them, behind them, in the lane next to them, and they sure as hell won't be looking out for a motorcycle passing BETWEEN lanes.