Relax - it's for a good cause!
Special offer from the Denver Integrative Massage School benefiting the children represented by the Rocky Mountain Children's Law Center

Community Thai Yoga Massage
Student Clinic

Denver Integrative Massage School is bringing something unique to the Denver area!

Throughout temples in Thailand you will still find a traditional, community massage setting. Student sessions will combine Thai yoga massage, Asian therapy, & Western massage techniques.

So, come relax and soak up the benefits of a Thai Yoga Massage, all the while knowing that your generosity will go a long way in the life of a child!
Thursday, June 30
11:30 AM, 1:30 PM and 3:30 PM

Since I'll be in Florida I won't be able to take advantage of this, but the Children's Law Center is a great organization that provides legal assistance for children in foster care, social care, adoptions, etc. Help them help them by getting a massage. It could be worse, right?

Special Offer:
Next Thursday, June 30, proceeds from your 60 or 90 minute Thai Yoga Massage will be donated to the Rocky Mountain Children's Law Center!

90-minute sessions = $28
60-minute sessions = $21

Denver Integrative Massage School
2416 W. 32nd Ave.
Denver, CO 80211

Schedule your appointment today!
Call 720-270-3633, or visit us online at