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Thread: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

  1. #1
    Senior Member GixxerCarrie's Avatar
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    The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    First, I hope no one takes offense to the fact that I am going to put this thread out here. It seems to soon. But Its truly bothering me.
    I put this under technique, due to the fact that many of us ride the route, not only because we love it, but, there have been many fatalities in the past couple of years. We have lost many good peeps. I want to take a step back to look at the route for tips and advice.
    Those who haven’t been on it, it’s a great ride. Wide sweeping curves, beautiful views.
    This thread is for sharing knowledge, experience, and passing on to others.
    I want opinions from experienced riders on Technique and Experience on this route. I think we all could learn from some of your experiences. On my mind is many crashes I have stopped at, after the fact usually you can see marked pieces on the road, or it’s been pointed out to me. I look in every direction, and, think where did it go wrong? Usually it’s in a non-technical piece of this route. I’ve had ass pucker moments at the last piece of the route due to gravel...I've also gained great experience as you can gain alot of speed on this route and really lean your bike.
    Is it target fixation? Is it riding beyond your abilities? Is it not knowing the route ahead of time? Is it certain pieces of the route? What is it that riders need to know about this canyon in general? What advice can you give us? I'm asking for experienced riders as I want people who have done this route many times and can tell us some of their experiences, knowledge they can share with us~Sometimes its just our time. But, if this gives one of us a piece of advice thats looming as we ride this route, than it has served its purpose
    Last edited by GixxerCarrie; Fri Jul 1st, 2011 at 05:36 AM.

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  2. #2

    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Problem is, IMO, that while the route remains constant, the road constantly changes. This is due to either unpredictable traffic or debris etc. on the road... or even potholes.

    I almost got taken out by a whopping big motorcoach coming south when I was northbound in the last of the 2 turns in the "corkscrew" section about 5 or 6 miles south of Deckers. Dude was across the center line, and I was near the edge of the tires uncomfortably close to the center line. That was target fixation.

    Other than unpredictable traffic, the condition of the road changes due to gravel etc. I have spoken with residents of that piece of road who really hate sportbikes tearing it up, some have intimated that they know people who intentionally spread gravel along the route. A few years back due to heavy rains, the road in sections was inundated by dirt and gravel etc washed down from the hillsides.

    (This was illuminating).
    Last edited by stubbicatt; Fri Jul 1st, 2011 at 06:14 AM.
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  3. #3
    On my toes! Lifetime Supporter PunyJuney's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by stubbicatt View Post

    I have spoken with residents of that piece of road who really hate sportbikes tearing it up
    the numerous oil slicks in the apex of a few corners out there is no accident, all you can do is watch for it

  4. #4
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    I've only ridden the route twice but the road tends to "intice" riders over there limits. It tried to bite me on that first decreasing radius right hander and so after that I took it at a more reasonable pace. I got lucky that it scared me before I did anything stupid. The road conditions are definetly "variable" and deserve some respect.
    Last edited by spdu4ia; Fri Jul 1st, 2011 at 07:03 AM.

  5. #5
    Pimp Daddy Matty's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Deckers is just like any other canyon road. You have animals that can jump out at anytime, you have idiotic cagers and other riders crossing double yellow lines, gravel and debris in turns, etc... And If you ride outside your ability the chances are you're going down.

    Horsepower Hill takes it up a notch cause you can hit triple digit speeds no problem. And at those speeds any lil thing can throw you.

    My advice, do you!!! If you feel confident to ride Deckers fast go for it. If you don't, well than don't.

    Also Ride, Ride, And Ride some more. The more miles you get under your seat the more prepared you'll be for the unexpected.
    Last edited by Matty; Fri Jul 1st, 2011 at 07:35 AM.
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  6. #6
    Gold Member MetaLord 9's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by GixxerCarrie View Post
    I want opinions from experienced riders on Technique and Experience on this route.
    Don't crash.

  7. #7
    Gold Member salsashark's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Matty summed up exactly how I feel.

    126 is no different than any other canyon road.

    Ride within your limits, expect the unexpected and be careful.

    If you're not comfortable with the unknown conditions of a public road but you still want to push yourself and your equipment, get your ass on a track.
    Last edited by salsashark; Fri Jul 1st, 2011 at 07:35 AM.
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  8. #8
    Gold Member Bueller's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    As any who have ridden with me know, I don't like that ride very much at all. To me it involves excessively stupid speeds and except for a couple of areas it is not very technical. IMO it is a good winter ride because it is usually open late and early in the season. It can also be a good beginner route as long as the speeds are kept reasonable. When I do end up doing it I always come back 67 because I can't stand the thought of going back the same way and 67 is tight and technical and much more fun, I don't mind the dirt, it's only a few miles.

  9. #9
    Gold Member MetaLord 9's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Agreed with what's above.

    it's a somewhat narrow road as you get closer and closer to 285 and you're headed in that direction, you're going from triple digit sweepers to tight, twisty corners that require a much lower speed.

    Things that I've found that help on this road (but that should be remembered on any road):
    - DON'T target fixate. there's too much going on on that road to get stuck staring at the bike in front of you, the gravel on the center line, or tar snake ahead of you. See it, adjust, keep scanning ahead
    - Ride to your own abilities. I've seen too many people get big balls on that road, especially if they get over confident in the wide sweepers. I've also seen people follow WAY too closely, probably because they're already in over their heads and they need someone to watch or they're gonna get screwed.
    - If you're not intimately familiar with the road, ride conservatively. It's not just a challenge for bikes, but also for cars, and not all of them do a good job. Give 'em a wide berth and expect a few to go wide or tight across the double yellow.

  10. #10
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Matty View Post
    Deckers is just like any other canyon road. You have animals that can jump out at anytime, you have idiotic cagers and other riders crossing double yellow lines, gravel and debris in turns, etc... And If you ride outside your ability the chances are you're going down.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bueller View Post
    As any who have ridden with me know, I don't like that ride very much at all. To me it involves excessively stupid speeds and except for a couple of areas it is not very technical.
    I agree

  11. #11
    Senior Member UglyDogRacing's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    What is this Deckers Horsepower Hill road you speak of?
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  12. #12
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    I have been up in down Deckers a lot. I have been a victim to gravel on the north side of Deckers. I have also seen my fair share of people go down up there. Some where due to gravel/target fixation, inexperience rider, riding above ability, and rider coming into my friend's lane.

    As it normally goes with any other road, if you never been down it, you shouldn't take it as fast as you possible can. Get familiar with the road first or ride behind someone that has been up there before. As the others said, sometimes it is unpreventable (i.e. gravel and tar snakes). There is sign posted for the tar snakes and you can see them, so if you are inexperience and your bombing through that area and go down, it is your own fault. Once you get more familiar with the road, the gravel is normally always in the same places, every now and again you may find it in other areas.
    Imma what! What's your next question?

  13. #13
    Senior Member GixxerCarrie's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by MetaLord 9 View Post
    Agreed with what's above.

    it's a somewhat narrow road as you get closer and closer to 285 and you're headed in that direction, you're going from triple digit sweepers to tight, twisty corners that require a much lower speed.

    Things that I've found that help on this road (but that should be remembered on any road):
    - DON'T target fixate. there's too much going on on that road to get stuck staring at the bike in front of you, the gravel on the center line, or tar snake ahead of you. See it, adjust, keep scanning ahead
    - Ride to your own abilities. I've seen too many people get big balls on that road, especially if they get over confident in the wide sweepers. I've also seen people follow WAY too closely, probably because they're already in over their heads and they need someone to watch or they're gonna get screwed.
    - If you're not intimately familiar with the road, ride conservatively. It's not just a challenge for bikes, but also for cars, and not all of them do a good job. Give 'em a wide berth and expect a few to go wide or tight across the double yellow.
    ^^^This is the sort of information I was looking for. New riders, Mid-Range, everyone can gain from our expierences. Will it always work no. I knew excessive speed would be brought up..most of us have been there done that. It is very easy to think this route is a piece of cake, and move beyond your abilities. But isn't part of our responsibility to educate based on our knowledge?

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  14. #14
    Senior Member GixxerCarrie's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by UglyDogRacing View Post
    What is this Deckers Horsepower Hill road you speak of?
    You of all people have ridden this route 1000 times. Know its ins and outs. How many accidents have you ridden up on? Many. Your thoughts?

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  15. #15
    Gold Member Bueller's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by GixxerCarrie View Post
    But isn't part of our responsibility to educate based on our knowledge?
    How many times can you say "ride within your limits"? It just goes right over everyone's head that needs to be listening. I do not feel a responsibility to teach anyone anything. If they solicit advise I will be forthcoming because at that point they are open to learning. Otherwise it is like

  16. #16
    Gold Member salsashark's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Bueller View Post
    How many times can you say "ride within your limits"? It just goes right over everyone's head that needs to be listening. I do not feel a responsibility to teach anyone anything. If they solicit advise I will be forthcoming because at that point they are open to learning. Otherwise it is like

    I've been riding for 16 years now. Not as long as some on the board, much longer then others. With every year that passes, I find myself leaning more and more to the Bueller school of thought.
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  17. #17
    Gold Member madvlad's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Yea that road though a bit fun but damn treacherous for sure. I've had my fair amount of close calls on that road (specially in that long straight away in the triple digits) and just overall I don't enjoy going that fast anymore. I mean just gotta ask yourself is it worth it haulin ass all throughout that road and increase your chances of dying or just enjoy the views, nature and most importantly the ride... plus also there with bueller and metalord about it not a very technical road at all plus it pushes newbs to limits they can't even grasp until they're either down or had a close call.

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  18. #18
    Senior Member GixxerCarrie's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Bueller View Post
    How many times can you say "ride within your limits"? It just goes right over everyone's head that needs to be listening. I do not feel a responsibility to teach anyone anything. If they solicit advise I will be forthcoming because at that point they are open to learning. Otherwise it is like
    Very true Dave...

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  19. #19
    Senior Member UglyDogRacing's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by GixxerCarrie View Post
    You of all people have ridden this route 1000 times. Know its ins and outs. How many accidents have you ridden up on? Many. Your thoughts?
    My thoughts? I don't think I've ridden it 1000 times but I probably have more miles on it and have gone faster on it than most. And yes I have seen dozens of accidents including a few fatalities like the one less than 2 years ago.
    It's a fun scenic road with alot of different features. Is it any more dangerous than riding up deercreek, bearcreek, golden gate, coal creak, boulder canyon,etc? No. Those tight canyons with blind corners and decreasing radius turns are even more dangerous. I have never seen or had issue with oils slick in turns out there, either. Generally the road conditions are better than alot of other roads frequented by motorcyclists. Chip seal? rocks in the road? oil? animals? They are all normal hazards with riding here in Colorado. You should be anticipating these things. The stretch between Buffalo Creek and Deckers does entice a rider to increase their speed as stated prevously. But does that mean the road is more dangerous? I don't believe so.
    I don't ride much down there anymore, maybe a few times a season in contrast to a few times a week 10-12 years ago. And when I do I usually go alone now (because Bueller doesnt like that road) What I see more of lately is riders that are pushing their limits and do not have the skills to do so. I don't know the details of this week's incident, but the young lady that passed away in Oct '09 that I came upon was riding way up above her limit as were the other 4 riders that crashed. You're responsible for your own safety and riding within your limits. If you can't handle that, maybe you shouldn't be riding at all. But it's not the road's fault.
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  20. #20
    I'm pumped... Let's let the healing begin! Lifetime Supporter ~Barn~'s Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Well said, Jim.
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  21. #21
    Gold Member MetaLord 9's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Unfortunately, you can't make people care about riding better, or make them want to be better riders. Ultimately it's up to the rider to be responsible for their own ass. Those that are, usually get to ride another season. Those that aren't get to sell a parts bike.

  22. #22
    Gold Member MetaLord 9's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by UglyDogRacing View Post
    What I see more of lately is riders that are pushing their limits and do not have the skills to do so.
    Hasn't this always been the case though? The only difference is that modern bikes allow people to get up above their abilities faster than most of the older bikes.

  23. #23
    Senior Member UglyDogRacing's Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by MetaLord 9 View Post
    Hasn't this always been the case though? The only difference is that modern bikes allow people to get up above their abilities faster than most of the older bikes.
    As far as the road in question, this has not alway been the case. 10 years ago everyone i came upon was in full leathers and seemed to be fairly competent with their riding. Nowadays there are more riders frequenting it wearing less gear and trying to ride above their ability.
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  24. #24
    I'm pumped... Let's let the healing begin! Lifetime Supporter ~Barn~'s Avatar
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    Re: The Deckers Route~Experienced Riders Discussion

    Modern bikes somehow allowing a rider to break their limits "faster" than say a bike of 10 years ago, is really a just a matter of seconds. It's a nominal thing, IMO.

    If anything, I think modern bikes serve more to allow unaccomplished riders to seemingly extend their limits. Often times to their detriment. Things like: ABS, linked-brake systems, traction control, back torque limiting clutches, etc, etc....

    It's a bit of a double-edge sword, because that which can be a great aid to an experienced rider, can in turn provide a potentially false (or at least exaggerated) sense of competency, that can come back to eventually harm the rider, if they don't keep their true riding abilities in context. I hesitate to call them safer developments by default, because if misused/misunderstood, they can create a less demanding rider as a by-product. Flipside: If given to an already demanding rider, they can provide a true safety element.

    I believe the word of the day (for this thread at least), is complacency.
    Last edited by ~Barn~; Fri Jul 1st, 2011 at 09:17 AM. Reason: Spelling mostly.
    Aprilia RSV 1000 R Factory - "Gemma"
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    I rarely think of motorcycles without a little yearning. They are about moving, and humans, I think, yearn to move – it’s in our cells, in our desires. We quiet our babies with cyclic movement, and we quiet ourselves by going.
    Melissa Holbrook Pierson

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