So it's almost here, MRA round 6 at HPR 27th and 28th. It's been great seeing some of the Dirty South at the races, hope to see more of you this week-end.
The following race is Sep 17th and 18th at our local track, PPIR. A great place for spectating, and don't forget about the Super Street Class for those of you who desire a track experience.
Spectator entry is $10, free for Military ID card holders and children up to 12, two for one entry cards are available at the dealers. or in the Racing forum. The MRA is really trying to promote these events with these specials. Food is available at the track. At PPIR you can come watch the races, and be back in town for dinner or a night on the town (or the shell station if that's your thing)! It really is a great facility.

COS Mille
MRA 117