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Thread: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

  1. #1657
    Princess of Prius Sean's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Knowing me, if one scoop stops working, I'll stop taking it for awhile. I was even thinking about taking part of the beginning of the year off from caffeine.

    I'm not a hardcore natural food person, but if there's an equal product that has less chemicals, I'll opt for it. Just like the banana and orange I'm eating right now! I'm actually happy that I've stopped doing protein shakes. I may go back to them one day, but not today.

  2. #1658
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean View Post
    Knowing me, if one scoop stops working, I'll stop taking it for awhile. I was even thinking about taking part of the beginning of the year off from caffeine.

    I'm not a hardcore natural food person, but if there's an equal product that has less chemicals, I'll opt for it. Just like the banana and orange I'm eating right now! I'm actually happy that I've stopped doing protein shakes. I may go back to them one day, but not today.
    You ever just try coffee then for a pre-workout? I use to take espresso shots before working out for a long time till I got into the pre-workout drinks. Very high Caffeine and drank black has no calories! Although like everything else you will build a tolerance to that too.

    So funny how many people think energy drinks like Red Bull have more caffeine than coffee, but it is not true and coffee has one of the highest amounts of caffeine still.

    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  3. #1659
    Member 3D's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Good to know guys, thanks. I still have a few tubs of the old formula so been using that, but since you guys like the new formula I'll give it a shot. Still curios on new formula of Jack3D and 1MR. Anyone tried those yet?

    I've been using "The Curse" (really it's name) and then Nano Vapor when not using Neurocore

    3D, I know you share the same goal of adding muscle mass. Last few months I have been able to add about 20 pounds; and alot of that solid muscle. Biggest and best shape I have ever been in, but damn now I think I will need to get a new wardrobe as nothing fits anymore. I always wore medium shirts, but now I can barely get into one. Guess this is what I wanted though, but forgot about needing new clothes by accomplishing this goal
    I haven't tried the new Jack3d or the 1MR. Since Neurocore is about the same price now, I haven't really needed to change. I've had the problem of not fitting any of my clothes for a while now. My wife tells me all the time that my shirts are too tight, but I'm too lazy to buy new ones so I'll just wear them anyway. I wear XL and XXL shirts, depending on the brand and they are all tight around my chest and arms. It's just a price you have to pay....

  4. #1660
    Princess of Prius Sean's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Nah, I can't ruin coffee like that. I enjoy my cup or two in the morning way too much. I need to keep it a leisure thing, not utilitarian (although those lines can be blurred some days). And that's the only caffeine I have, I'm not much of a soda guy anymore.

    Have you guys ever cut out supplements completely and just exercised? If so, what happened?

  5. #1661
    Member 3D's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean View Post
    Nah, I can't ruin coffee like that. I enjoy my cup or two in the morning way too much. I need to keep it a leisure thing, not utilitarian (although those lines can be blurred some days). And that's the only caffeine I have, I'm not much of a soda guy anymore.

    Have you guys ever cut out supplements completely and just exercised? If so, what happened?
    Sometimes when I'm out of my supply I will work out without, but I don't get a very good workout. It may be the whole "placebo" effect, but I feel I get better focus and energy with it.

  6. #1662
    Gold Member madvlad's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Music is the best replacement for that, come on meow!

  7. #1663
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Quote Originally Posted by 3D View Post
    I haven't tried the new Jack3d or the 1MR. Since Neurocore is about the same price now, I haven't really needed to change. I've had the problem of not fitting any of my clothes for a while now. My wife tells me all the time that my shirts are too tight, but I'm too lazy to buy new ones so I'll just wear them anyway. I wear XL and XXL shirts, depending on the brand and they are all tight around my chest and arms. It's just a price you have to pay....
    Darn, yet to find anyone that has tried the new ones. You heard of this new stuff called The Curse? I bought a tub and seems to be very similar to C4; if you can ignore the horrible name and skull on front. It was one of those things that I bought it and after was like, wow why am I taking something called "The Curse" that has a evil skull on it

    Yeah man that is me now! My girl is saying how my shirts are looking too small, but I don't want to invest tons of money right around the holidays on new clothes so I am stuck wearing them. Like you said a price we have to pay I guess, but still worth it to me as I love making gains.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean View Post
    Have you guys ever cut out supplements completely and just exercised? If so, what happened?
    Really depends on what you mean by "supplements". Seeing as fitness is at least 75% diet, I feel if you don't "supplement" what your body needs you will not make gains. Most of it can be done by eating real food, but when you get into what that takes it really is hard to do and that is why most people take "supplements". all this stuff isn't used and bought because it doesn't work though. Same as with sportbike racing, it can be done, but you put in the best fuel, the best mods, etc you will get better progress than without them. Tjolt once stated how it is better to get protein from food; which I agree, but it is hard. A average chicken breast is about 30 grams. My goal is to take in 200 grams a day, so that would be about 6.6 chicken breasts daily to get what I do in protein shakes. Then you have to consider all the others stuff you get like fat and cholestorol from the chicken.

    Also depends on goals you want! Like right now you cannot be a pro bodybuilder without some type of steriod.
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  8. #1664
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean View Post
    And that's the only caffeine I have, I'm not much of a soda guy anymore.
    Sean you do realize one scoop of Neurocore has about 110mg of caffeine pure scoop right?
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  9. #1665
    Princess of Prius Sean's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Yeah, I know. That's why was saying if I cut out caffeine and Neurocore (if it stops having the same effect) that I would hopefully go back to a base level.

  10. #1666
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean View Post
    Yeah, I know. That's why was saying if I cut out caffeine and Neurocore (if it stops having the same effect) that I would hopefully go back to a base level.
    Cool, just wasn't sure you knew as a lot of people think all the energy comes from the geranium extract
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  11. #1667
    Princess of Prius Sean's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Gym was closed and it's snowing pretty hard so I hit up one of old Insanity! workouts. Damn, that's some solid exercise right there. I was able to get through it, but I was working...

  12. #1668
    Member 3D's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Generation Iron. Update of the classic "Pumping Iron" I will definitely be watching this one.

  13. #1669
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Quote Originally Posted by 3D View Post
    Generation Iron. Update of the classic "Pumping Iron" I will definitely be watching this one.
    Nice, me too The world of bodybuilding amazes me!!!!

    After watching that preview I so wish I were in the gym pumped
    Last edited by bulldog; Thu Jan 3rd, 2013 at 09:53 AM.
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  14. #1670
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  15. #1671
    Member 3D's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Good one. Surprisingly, I haven't seen many "resolutioners" in the gym today or this past week. I was talking to one of the managers at the 24hr I go to and he was saying they are expecting all those people this coming week. I hope he's wrong, but at the same time, those people are what keeps these gyms open for us. I guess it's one of those "necessary evils".

  16. #1672
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Quote Originally Posted by 3D View Post
    Good one. Surprisingly, I haven't seen many "resolutioners" in the gym today or this past week. I was talking to one of the managers at the 24hr I go to and he was saying they are expecting all those people this coming week. I hope he's wrong, but at the same time, those people are what keeps these gyms open for us. I guess it's one of those "necessary evils".
    Sad but true, because I know they are not making money off the regulars. I work out 5 days a week and pay $19 a month; so that comes out to like $0.76 cents a workout. Guess they bank on these people buying year memberships and then only using them for a few weeks. Sad but I know quite a few people that do this and it is such a waste of money. Guess it is the reason these places push "contracts".

    I beleive the biggest problem is these people get false hope. They think they are going to get into this for a month and see major results (with very little diet change). They don't get major results so they give up. I've said it before and will say it again...this is all a huge science! Diet is 70% of this all and the other 30% is workout. Faith needs to be given to personal trainers or people that live this....I'd honesly not be at where I am if it weren't for PT's and the people who have helped me for years.
    Last edited by bulldog; Thu Jan 10th, 2013 at 11:27 AM.
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  17. #1673
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    I wont miss that this year at all! I remember how i would show up at about 4:30Pm around this season and everyone and there fucking mother would be there. The worst part is when you see them not having a clue what they are doing, and it hurts to watch them use the machines improperly. Or you would be on a machine and someone would jump on and change everything the second you got up just to stretch really quick or grab more weight.

  18. #1674
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Quote Originally Posted by Grim2.0 View Post
    I wont miss that this year at all! I remember how i would show up at about 4:30Pm around this season and everyone and there fucking mother would be there. The worst part is when you see them not having a clue what they are doing, and it hurts to watch them use the machines improperly. Or you would be on a machine and someone would jump on and change everything the second you got up just to stretch really quick or grab more weight.
    Yeah way different "gym etiquette" this time of year. Never my favorite time to be at the I can only go at about 5pm when it is the worst.

    Funny you mention the people that scare you because a few times in the past few weeks I see guys that are going to hurt themsleves; basically trying to put up way to much weight to try to look cool. It's like damn, you trying to bench press or practice your wrestling arch because pretty sure your back should not be a foot off the bench. Someone will get hurt soon; sad but happens every year. All could be avoided by a few PT's sessions or getting someone that knows it to help you out.....expensive sometimes but worth it
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  19. #1675
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldog View Post
    Sad but true, because I know they are not making money off the regulars. I work out 5 days a week and pay $19 a month; so that comes out to like $0.76 cents a workout. Guess they bank on these people buying year memberships and then only using them for a few weeks. Sad but I know quite a few people that do this and it is such a waste of money. Guess it is the reason these places push "contracts".

    I beleive the biggest problem is these people get false hope. They think they are going to get into this for a month and see major results (with very little diet change). They don't get major results so they give up. I've said it before and will say it again...this is all a huge science! Diet is 70% of this all and the other 30% is workout. Faith needs to be given to personal trainers or people that live this....I'd honesly not be at where I am if it weren't for PT's and the people who have helped me for years.
    Well, to be honest, if it weren't for these "resolutioners" buying memberships and being too lazy to cancel them, we wouldn't have a place to work out. Lol. They are the ones that keep gyms open. I hear you on the fact that they do everything wrong. I used to try and give them advice, but all they do is go back to doing their own thing once you walk away from them, so I don't even bother anymore. I just shake my head and laugh. I've had to take back weights from people before because they didn't ask if I was even using them, even though they were within arms reach. Well, only a few more weeks of dealing with it, then the gym is back to normal.

  20. #1676
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Quote Originally Posted by 3D View Post
    Well, to be honest, if it weren't for these "resolutioners" buying memberships and being too lazy to cancel them, we wouldn't have a place to work out. Lol. They are the ones that keep gyms open. I hear you on the fact that they do everything wrong. I used to try and give them advice, but all they do is go back to doing their own thing once you walk away from them, so I don't even bother anymore. I just shake my head and laugh. I've had to take back weights from people before because they didn't ask if I was even using them, even though they were within arms reach. Well, only a few more weeks of dealing with it, then the gym is back to normal.
    I've never really looked into how expensive it is to keep a gym opened, but I am sure it is more than I think. I just look around 24 Hour Fitness on days when there has to be at least 75 people in there and thinking "damn, they are getting about $40 a head monthly in here and that is just for the 2 hours I am here, so I wonder how much they make total a month". I am sure with the pool, sauna, classes, maintenance, employees, etc it comes out to a lot. Just can't wait to get the gym back (and welcome the few that will stick with it and become regulars).

    On a happier note I am up to about 195lbs now; about a 15 pound increase in the last few months since I started this new program. And able to do it without much fat being put on...nearly pure muscle! Man so nice to be making these great gains again. Can't wait for tonight's workout! Maybe one day I'll catch up to you 3D....maybe
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  21. #1677
    Senior Member FZRguy's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Anyone work out at The Point in Lakewood? Tiring of Bally's and going to look around for a new gym.
    KTM Duke 690

  22. #1678
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    I am thoroughly enjoying my in home Gym!! Been working out more often, longer workouts, the wife is able to workout as well while i watch the kid, and i don't have to worry about anyone taking my weights or spots.

  23. #1679
    Gold Member bulldog's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    Quote Originally Posted by Grim2.0 View Post
    I am thoroughly enjoying my in home Gym!! Been working out more often, longer workouts, the wife is able to workout as well while i watch the kid, and i don't have to worry about anyone taking my weights or spots.
    Lucky you man, these last few weeks have been hell at my gym. Yesterday I couldn't even find a parking spot. Get in the gym and everything was crowded so bad from locker room to cardio to weights. And of course all these new people who are rude and have no gym etiquette. Can't wait for this rush to die down. Off in just a few minutes to fight it all again.

    Looking good man (no homo)! Huge gains in chest and arms! Keep it up buddy!
    Bulldog's Motto: F*ck around and I'm going to bite you!!!

  24. #1680
    Senior Member FZRguy's Avatar
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    Re: CSC Gets Back into Shape 10/1/11

    I've kinda had it with the big chains. Be nice to find a smaller private gym like the Gold's franchise gyms that used to be around town.
    KTM Duke 690

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