Please feel free to use these points when contacting your legislators, friends, family anyone who rides!!

ABATE of Colorado
4725 Paris St Suite #250, Denver, CO 80239 303-789-3264

You will find outlined simple points that need to be taken into consideration with the MOST (Motorcycle Operator Safety Training) program.
First and foremost: this program is paid for by motorcyclists, not the general public ref (C.R.S. 43-5-504, also 42-2-114 (2) (b) and (4) (b), 42-2-118 (1) (b) (II) and 42-3-304 (4)), by our own choice. Motorcyclists initiated the extra fees to help further rider training. In fact we went to the Legislature again in 2006 to increase the fees.
Second: “The intent of the statute is that the Department of Transportation (CDOT) use Motorcycle Operator Safety Training Funds to establish, administer, promote, provide motorist awareness programs, and participate in the costs of the Program, so that Motorcycle Safety training would be more accessible to a greater percentage of Colorado consumers and would be less costly to consumers, thereby enabling more persons to enroll in and complete such safety training.” Verbatim from the MOST Rules and Regulations

What happens if MOST is shut down?

• Funding which cannot be transferred to any other fund would be eliminated that would have been used to educate new and existing riders resulting in a savings of $4 to $6 per year per motorcyclist
• Cost of training will increase, making courses less affordable in a poor economy, increasing the number of untrained riders on the roads of Colorado
• More self-taught riders and less safety knowledge
• Some training schools will go out of business, making training less accessible especially in rural, underserved areas of Colorado.
• DOR will need more staff to provide/administer testing due to reduction of training schools increasing the fiscal impact to the state budget
• Substandard safety training provided due to no oversight
• Possible reduction in Federal funds for motorcycle safety and awareness campaigns making the motoring public less aware of motorcyclists
• There will be an increase in motorcycle related accidents/fatalities (studies indicate a reduction in accidents/fatalities due to rider training)

Why do the motorcyclists of Colorado want to keep this program?
• This is a safety program that teaches proper riding gear, techniques, braking, accident avoidance, etc.
• We pay for it
• It helps reduce the cost of training classes so more riders will get training
• It provides mobile training to outlying areas of the state
• It is an integral part of assured Federal highway funds for Motorcycle Safety and Awareness funds in CO
• It oversees the schools/companies and instructors providing classes to assure approved curriculum and safety measures are followed
• It reduces accidents/fatalities by putting more trained riders on the road
• Education will make a rider safer and more skilled

Give CDOT and the MOST program with a Legislative Appointed Task Force (stakeholders) 2 years to implement the recommendations provided by the Audit and re-write the Rules and Regulations. Give the motorcyclists of Colorado (your constituents) a chance to make this an effective viable program. Please SUPPORT the preservation of MOST.