I would like to propose a petition to temporarily ban Mother Goose. Not a full ban, but more of a "sit in the corner with a dunce hat on" type of ban. We cannot let this behavior continue. If we don't do something about it now, it may get out of hand, and we may not be able to do anything about it later

Here are my 10 reasons:

1. he has bad jokes
2. he usually smells like margarita's and Stetson cologne
3. he posted a spoiler to the results of a very important MotoGP race on fb
4. I'm pretty sure no one actually likes him
5. he stole my idea for the "get back in shape" thread (even though he did give me credit)
6. His life is a lie, he does not have 27,000 posts
7. he is neither a mother, or a goose, as far as I can tell
8. he is to even tempered to be considered a "glass case of emotion"
9. I don't believe that he really rides, his bike is way to pretty and clean
10. he is an Asshole Nazi devil moderator out to get each and every one of you.

I think I have made my argument clear and obvious. Further, I think with enough people on board, we can make a difference. If you feel there are additional reasons for this ban, please let them be known. All in favor, say "I".