I've been waiting for HD details, but they seem to be a bit vague this year.

The official ride meeting spot is in the Aurora Sports Park. It's more of a parade than a ride since the route is straight down colfax (at 20mph or so) to Children's Hospital.

Reason for wanting everyone to preregister and meetup to ride down is that once your in the queue for the ride, it gets pretty packed and if the group gets separated, it will stay separated. This is why we do breakfast before, so we can arrive as a group.

If you want to meet up for just the ride, meet up at the Village Inn on Tower and Hampden at or around nine. KSU @ 9:30. There's a very large (and empty) parking lot right outside that we'll muster in before heading to the Aurora Sports Park. There's a 7-11 in the same shopping center in case anyone needs gas.

I put this together to show where everything is. Hope it helps (Googly map)