You know I'm in...

Registration has begun at Mile High Harley (I-70 and Airport).
I'll post up within a week to pass along any special instructions.
(In the past, you've had to walk in backwards, while whistling "God Bless America" and whisper the secret word)

Form can be found HERE.
Toy suggestions are HERE.

A common question is "How much/many?"
My best answer is no matter how much you bring, you'll bring more the next year.

One request at Village Inn: I don't think we need to all sit at one-60ft-long-table. It makes it hard to store gear and hard on the wait staff. I say just grab a table as you come in, and if we stay in the same half of the restaurant we will be able to shoot-the-shit and handle checks even easier.

I look forward to seeing everybody there.