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Thread: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

  1. #25
    Member biikChiQ's Avatar
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Quote Originally Posted by Darth Do'Urden View Post
    Black knight and Madvlad...two examples that we Christians aren't a bunch of ignorant, unintelligent, stupid-because-we-have-faith (as Kim-n-Dean would suggest), bigoted, "gay-hating" morons.

    Are there bad apples in the body of Christ (represented by the Church)? Absolutely. Just as there's bad apples in the motorcycle community, the art community, charitable organizations, community outreaches...and GOOD apples in politics. It's wholeheartedly disingenuous to judge the whole group by the few freaks and retards that happen to go out of their way to make the truth of the matter seem stupid (Westboro Baptist Church in the case of Christianity).

    As to homosexuality, as BK pointed out, there are enough biblical scriptures (IN context) that condemn the PRACTICE of homosexuality that to defend homosexuality as being as irrelevant and outdated (or culturally inapplicable) as women not cutting their hair is equally disingenuous and purposely putting blinders on in order to justify one's sin. But the same can also be said of adultery, fornication (sex outside of marriage), drunkenness (not the same as "consuming alcohol"), slanderous speech, et al. Sin is sin.

    Now whether you choose to believe there IS sin is entirely up to you as an individual with free will. But one cannot simply pick-and-choose what they like out of the Holy Bible and apply it as they see fit (as one might with makeup or clothing). Are certain things possibly dependent on interpretation? Sure, but these are generally called "parables". But when the Bible clearly states (again, within context as well as understanding of cultures) that something is a sin, it's a sin...AND there's a reason it's a sin. God doesn't just make this crap up because He just really enjoys watching His creation fight and argue and generally suffer. There are serious physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual (whether you believe it or not) implications to every sin that God warns against. It doesn't take a genius or Christian to see the consequences of sinful behavior.

    As for sharing one's faith: the Bible warns us (as believers) to not "hide our light under a bushel", that is to not hide our faith or shy away from sharing as though we were embarrassed, ashamed, or fearful of what others might think. This is NOT the same as aggressively aggravating people to the point that they can't stand being around us--I think everyone agrees that this approach is hardly "being an effective witness". In my experience, as well as Jesus' examples, the most effective approach in sharing the truth and LOVE of God and Jesus is to form personal relationships with people, and to live one's life above reproach, all the while giving glory and honor to God in every aspect of one's life. This does NOT mean we are above screwing up (sometimes in a HUGE way). What it means is that I live what I say I believe. As a result, others will see that, and for some a seed will be planted in their lives, perhaps to someday grow into the amazing flower that God intended. My job is to be the best ambassador for Christ that I can be. Maybe that means speaking a word of godly encouragement to someone that's hurting, maybe that means telling someone that they're on a hell-bound path. But the biggest factor in all this is learning to listen to God to know WHEN and to WHOM a particular word should be spoken.

    But NOT sharing at all simply because someone might not like it...that's a slippery slope that can go bad either way. Jesus warned us that we would be persecuted for our faith in Him. That's fine when it's genuinely earned without our seeking it. But doing things that we KNOW are not received well (door-to-door approaches, springing on someone on the street...many televangelists) does not qualify as "being persecuted for one's faith"'s just "being persecuted for being a douche".

    And just for the record, MOST Christians do NOT hate homosexuals, or even DISLIKE them. They are people, sinful and selfish just like me. But they are people deserving of love, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness...just like me. The difference is that people who practice homosexuality want their sin to be accepted and justified, tying their behavior to who they are as a person. That simply cannot be. Acceptance as a person, yes. But not acceptance of the sin anymore than adultery can be accepted by the church. This doesn't mean someone should be exorcised from the Church (as certain groups are fond of doing), but it does mean that guidance AWAY from the sinful behavior should be given in love and grace. Whether that guidance and counsel is accepted is entirely on the individual.

    But God's love and grace and forgiveness is there for all. It's just that He won't force it on anyone. Just don't blame Him for the consequences suffered should you choose to reject Him. It's like law enforcement: don't blame "The Man" when you get caught breaking the law. It's not their fault you broke the law, it's yours. You may not agree with the law, but to disregard it WILL incur consequences.

  2. #26
    Geriatric Curmudgeon Lifetime Supporter Nick_Ninja's Avatar
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    "Its all about the motorbikes, always has been and always will be.". ~~ Ewan McGregor 2007

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  3. #27
    Senior Member Moderator Jmetz's Avatar
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    You guys should do some DMT.
    I've got more flavor than a packet of macaroni.

  4. #28
    Gold Member Kim-n-Dean's Avatar
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Free will, my ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    God created this world and told Adam, and eventually, Eve, to not eat from the tree of life/knowledge. ...And what did those fuckers do on the first chance that they had?!?!? They pulled down an apple, because a snake told them too, and macked out on that bad boy!! Since god is omnipotent or omniscient, he knew what was going to happen before he even got bored and created this horse shit world. Therefore, my life was determined by this asshole before I was even born. The fact that I choose to rape and pillage is not the point. god knew before I was even born what path I would take. Religious free will is an illusion. Just because you don't know what is going to happen, doesn't make it free will. I never asked to be born, why do I have to follow this absurdity?!?!?!? If there is a Heaven, it's full of a bunch of gullible dip shits!!! If I was god, I would prefer to be surrounded by people who can think for themselves, people who apply logic to any given situation...

    So, I take it that no one is going to invest in me? Come on people, even god got it wrong on the first try. "The Old Testament". That's why we have the new, more civilized 'New Testament'.

    Besides, would you really want to follow someone who invested all his knowledge in a bunch of goat hearders in the middle of the desert? If your wife came home 'knocked-up" and claimed it was "immaculate".... come on!!!! We know how this would go down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Kim & Dean
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  5. #29
    Gold Member madvlad's Avatar
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Lol man... I shall stop here, good luck with the discussion ladies and gents.

  6. #30
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Quote Originally Posted by madvlad View Post
    Lol man... I shall stop here, good luck with the discussion ladies and gents.
    The discussion ended when intolerance crept into it.

    It's pretty sad when a person thinks their subjective beliefs are somehow superior to another person's subjective beliefs.

  7. #31
    Gold Member madvlad's Avatar
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Lol not judging, they choose and do what they want lol... I will continue on with my bible hugging ways cause it's a positive for my life. Not perfect in any means lol

  8. #32
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Quote Originally Posted by Kim-n-Dean View Post
    Free will, my ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    God created this world and told Adam, and eventually, Eve, to not eat from the tree of life/knowledge. ...And what did those fuckers do on the first chance that they had?!?!? They pulled down an apple, because a snake told them too, and macked out on that bad boy!! Since god is omnipotent or omniscient, he knew what was going to happen before he even got bored and created this horse shit world. Therefore, my life was determined by this asshole before I was even born. The fact that I choose to rape and pillage is not the point. god knew before I was even born what path I would take. Religious free will is an illusion. Just because you don't know what is going to happen, doesn't make it free will. I never asked to be born, why do I have to follow this absurdity?!?!?!? If there is a Heaven, it's full of a bunch of gullible dip shits!!! If I was god, I would prefer to be surrounded by people who can think for themselves, people who apply logic to any given situation...

    So, I take it that no one is going to invest in me? Come on people, even god got it wrong on the first try. "The Old Testament". That's why we have the new, more civilized 'New Testament'.

    Besides, would you really want to follow someone who invested all his knowledge in a bunch of goat hearders in the middle of the desert? If your wife came home 'knocked-up" and claimed it was "immaculate".... come on!!!! We know how this would go down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And the point to this would be?

  9. #33
    Senior Member Think's Avatar
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Quote Originally Posted by Drano View Post
    The discussion ended when intolerance crept into it.

    It's pretty sad when a person thinks their subjective beliefs are somehow superior to another person's subjective beliefs.
    Well, the intolerance is being shared on both ends by certain individuals claiming certain things as absolute.
    2013 BMW R1200GS

  10. #34
    Senior Member Ezzzzy1's Avatar
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Quote Originally Posted by Kim-n-Dean View Post
    Free will, my ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    God created this world and told Adam, and eventually, Eve, to not eat from the tree of life/knowledge. ...And what did those fuckers do on the first chance that they had?!?!? They pulled down an apple, because a snake told them too, and macked out on that bad boy!! Since god is omnipotent or omniscient, he knew what was going to happen before he even got bored and created this horse shit world. Therefore, my life was determined by this asshole before I was even born. The fact that I choose to rape and pillage is not the point. god knew before I was even born what path I would take. Religious free will is an illusion. Just because you don't know what is going to happen, doesn't make it free will. I never asked to be born, why do I have to follow this absurdity?!?!?!? If there is a Heaven, it's full of a bunch of gullible dip shits!!! If I was god, I would prefer to be surrounded by people who can think for themselves, people who apply logic to any given situation...

    So, I take it that no one is going to invest in me? Come on people, even god got it wrong on the first try. "The Old Testament". That's why we have the new, more civilized 'New Testament'.

    Besides, would you really want to follow someone who invested all his knowledge in a bunch of goat hearders in the middle of the desert? If your wife came home 'knocked-up" and claimed it was "immaculate".... come on!!!! We know how this would go down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Dean dont forget... The whole time all of this was going on someone was writing everything down so folks could read about it

  11. #35
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality


  12. #36
    Jenny's Pet Monkey Ghost's Avatar
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Quote Originally Posted by Kim-n-Dean View Post
    Free will, my ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    God created this world and told Adam, and eventually, Eve, to not eat from the tree of life/knowledge. ...And what did those fuckers do on the first chance that they had?!?!? They pulled down an apple, because a snake told them too, and macked out on that bad boy!! Since god is omnipotent or omniscient, he knew what was going to happen before he even got bored and created this horse shit world. Therefore, my life was determined by this asshole before I was even born. The fact that I choose to rape and pillage is not the point. god knew before I was even born what path I would take. Religious free will is an illusion. Just because you don't know what is going to happen, doesn't make it free will. I never asked to be born, why do I have to follow this absurdity?!?!?!? If there is a Heaven, it's full of a bunch of gullible dip shits!!! If I was god, I would prefer to be surrounded by people who can think for themselves, people who apply logic to any given situation...

    So, I take it that no one is going to invest in me? Come on people, even god got it wrong on the first try. "The Old Testament". That's why we have the new, more civilized 'New Testament'.

    Besides, would you really want to follow someone who invested all his knowledge in a bunch of goat hearders in the middle of the desert? If your wife came home 'knocked-up" and claimed it was "immaculate".... come on!!!! We know how this would go down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    And the point to this would be?
    That you can either have God OR Free Will, but not both.

    One precludes the other.
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  13. #37
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Quote Originally Posted by Kim-n-Dean View Post
    Free will, my ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    God created this world and told Adam, and eventually, Eve, to not eat from the tree of life/knowledge. ...And what did those fuckers do on the first chance that they had?!?!? They pulled down an apple, because a snake told them too, and macked out on that bad boy!! Since god is omnipotent or omniscient, he knew what was going to happen before he even got bored and created this horse shit world. Therefore, my life was determined by this asshole before I was even born. The fact that I choose to rape and pillage is not the point. god knew before I was even born what path I would take. Religious free will is an illusion. Just because you don't know what is going to happen, doesn't make it free will. I never asked to be born, why do I have to follow this absurdity?!?!?!? If there is a Heaven, it's full of a bunch of gullible dip shits!!! If I was god, I would prefer to be surrounded by people who can think for themselves, people who apply logic to any given situation...

    So, I take it that no one is going to invest in me? Come on people, even god got it wrong on the first try. "The Old Testament". That's why we have the new, more civilized 'New Testament'.

    Besides, would you really want to follow someone who invested all his knowledge in a bunch of goat hearders in the middle of the desert? If your wife came home 'knocked-up" and claimed it was "immaculate".... come on!!!! We know how this would go down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Why are Christians always labeled as bigots when this is the epitome of bigotry? I suggest you do a little research on Christian beliefs before you mock it.

  14. #38
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    That you can either have God OR Free Will, but not both.

    One precludes the other.
    Faith has nothing to do with logic. No im not saying its one way or the other just that if people want to feel one way its not up to others to change their minds.

  15. #39
    Gold Member Kim-n-Dean's Avatar
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Quote Originally Posted by mxer View Post
    Why are Christians always labeled as bigots when this is the epitome of bigotry? I suggest you do a little research on Christian beliefs before you mock it.
    What facts did I get wrong?

    Research? How about twenty years of living "the life" before I figured out it's a fairy tale. I did the church thing until I was twenty-two years old. I attended both Sunday morning services and the night service, as I ran the sound boards and the video boards and did Sunday school between the two morning services. I sang in choir, played drums and saxaphone. Was a "teen-leader" on Wednesday nights at youth group. Was VERY close to our associate pastor and his wife as they were the one's who got me into rock climbing. I know the Bible very well. That's how I now know it's all bull shit!!

    Maybe you should do some research on me...
    Kim & Dean
    60th Anniversary R6 - '16 R1M


  16. #40
    Senior Member Wrider's Avatar
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    You all really need to calm down. You believe or you don't or you're somewhere in the middle. No one has the right to push their beliefs (or lack thereof) on anyone else.
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  17. #41
    Gold Member Kim-n-Dean's Avatar
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Quote Originally Posted by Ezzzzy1 View Post
    Dean dont forget... The whole time all of this was going on someone was writing everything down so folks could read about it
    They should have took pictures as well! That way everyone could stop fucking up what Heyzoos and that whore Marry looked like. The Bible says Heyzoos was a man of color with hair like wool. He was born in Egypt, you dumb fucks! Stop painting him as a white guy with long, blond hair!! Marry wasn't white, either!!!
    Kim & Dean
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  18. #42
    Gold Member Kim-n-Dean's Avatar
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Quote Originally Posted by Wrider View Post
    You all really need to calm down. You believe or you don't or you're somewhere in the middle. No one has the right to push their beliefs (or lack thereof) on anyone else.
    Calm down? Push their beliefs? Not at all. Just stating my opinion...
    Kim & Dean
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  19. #43
    Senior Member CaptGoodvibes's Avatar
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    I'm a closet historian. Religion plays a big part in recorded history. If it helps a person be more kind - because they think they will burn in hell if they behave as an agent of evil - religion is good. If it causes a person to be evil - by smiting people with different beliefs - religion is bad. If a person is naturally kind to others, religion is unnecessary. Belief in a gaseous being of astronomical heft is each person's individual right. As a sciency dude, I rely on results to guide me. I need a miracle every day.

    Note: if a person would otherwise be evil were it not for the belief they will burn in hell, they should just be shot.
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  20. #44
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Quote Originally Posted by Ezzzzy1 View Post
    Dean dont forget... The whole time all of this was going on someone was writing everything down so folks could read about it

    Disclaimer: If I post a link, assume it's NSFW.
    Bike: 2009 FZ-1 "The Hematoma"

  21. #45
    Jenny's Pet Monkey Ghost's Avatar
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Quote Originally Posted by #1Townie View Post
    Faith has nothing to do with logic.
    Truer words have never been spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wrider View Post
    No one has the right to push their beliefs (or lack thereof) on anyone else.
    Except that faith, by its nature, forces people to think a certain way, and followers of those beliefs manifest their beliefs in the policies, laws, and attitudes that do affect others outside of those beliefs.

    If religious belief was restricted to the confines of the church (home, whatever) then it wouldn't be an issue, but it's not.

    Politics are influenced by religious mandates, and through politics religious people are pushing their belief on others who don't believe in the nonsense.

    If your belief doesn't allow for gay marriage or abortion or whatever controversial topic is banned by your angry sky monster, then don't do those actions.

    But, to restrict others who don't share your belief simply because you and your faith don't agree with them is a misapplication of your belief.

    The whole "leave everyone to their own thing" fails once the religious start altering secular laws and political policies to coincide with their own religious dictates.
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  22. #46
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    Truer words have never been spoken.

    Except that faith, by its nature, forces people to think a certain way, and followers of those beliefs manifest their beliefs in the policies, laws, and attitudes that do affect others outside of those beliefs.

    If religious belief was restricted to the confines of the church (home, whatever) then it wouldn't be an issue, but it's not.

    Politics are influenced by religious mandates, and through politics religious people are pushing their belief on others who don't believe in the nonsense.

    If your belief doesn't allow for gay marriage or abortion or whatever controversial topic is banned by your angry sky monster, then don't do those actions.

    But, to restrict others who don't share your belief simply because you and your faith don't agree with them is a misapplication of your belief.

    The whole "leave everyone to their own thing" fails once the religious start altering secular laws and political policies to coincide with their own religious dictates.
    Well said, Ghost.

    I for one, found Matthew Vines' analysis to be relatively thorough; the fact that he tried to "modernize" the syntax and specific/common meaning of words at the time they were written as a method of understanding true meaning. I'm sure that you've heard of the phrase "lost in translation" or the party game "Telephone"; without becoming a scholar in ancient language he's doing his best to interpret what words meant in the context they were spoken.

    Personally, I would urge people to read the text rather than watch the video -- my reasoning is, if you hear something you disagree with you may start forming counter-arguments in your head, thus ignoring what is currently being said. If you read it, however, you can continue where you left off and not miss anything.

    The general argument is that though there may be 6 verses that speak of [what could be considered] homosexuality, none of these are specific enough about the practice [of homosexuality as understood today] to necessarily mean that it has been interpreted correctly -- is that enough to deny people the happiness of comfort?

    I'm not a theist. My reasoning for this from a young age has been to some extent margin of error; that is, through all of the copying and translations that have occurred over two thousand years, is it possible that the "Word of God" could have been modified, even accidentally? If God is infallible, then man IS fallible, which means anything after the first edition of the Bible is potentially fundamentally flawed, and as a result, requires deep, critical analysis before interpretation. If the popular interpretation is causing people pain, perhaps it is not the correct interpretation.

    Like he said at the beginning of the speech: "If we’re taking Jesus seriously that bad fruit cannot come from a good tree, then that should cause us to question whether the traditional teaching is correct."

    I'd like to clarify one last thing: in the context of this thread my comments have been referring specifically to the Bible, but by no means am I trying to pick on Christians -- it's just the most relevant example based on the context. I'll pick on any religion .

  23. #47
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

  24. #48
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    Re: The Bible, Christianity, and Homosexuality

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    Except that faith, by its nature, forces people to think a certain way, and followers of those beliefs manifest their beliefs in the policies, laws, and attitudes that do affect others outside of those beliefs.

    If religious belief was restricted to the confines of the church (home, whatever) then it wouldn't be an issue, but it's not.

    Politics are influenced by religious mandates, and through politics religious people are pushing their belief on others who don't believe in the nonsense.

    If your belief doesn't allow for gay marriage or abortion or whatever controversial topic is banned by your angry sky monster, then don't do those actions.

    But, to restrict others who don't share your belief simply because you and your faith don't agree with them is a misapplication of your belief.

    The whole "leave everyone to their own thing" fails once the religious start altering secular laws and political policies to coincide with their own religious dictates.
    I agree with you completely Ghost, and these arguments have existed in modern philosophy for years. Some people have a difficult time reconciling their subjective beliefs with objective truths. For one, I know where my church stands on homosexuality and same-sex marriage, I disagree with their position.

    I'm a strong believer in scientific truth. Once a person understands the scientific method and statistics, it gives a whole new understanding concerning what it takes for a scientific theory to gain acceptance as the most correct explanation for happenings in the universe. However, I also believe in God. People who argue that scientific theories such as evolution, or the big bang, will somehow destroy the existence of God simply don't know their history. I.E. Galileo was right, but his discovery didn't destroy people's faith. If science eventually proves that these theories are 100% correct, all that is proven is that the person/people who wrote the bible weren't correct with their explanation of the creation of the universe and man. It won't nullify the entire bible, however, it will may cause people who really think the bible is the actual word of God to reevaluate their beliefs.

    To close, people should be able to happily live their lives as long as they are not causing harm to others as a result of their lifestyle. I think all of us here would agree that we don't need somebody else telling us how to live our lives. Whether it be political or religious in nature, if it's not harming anybody, leave them be.

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