I was at a friends house this week and I parked my bike right in
front of his house twenty feet from his front door. We were only inside for about
thirty mins as I'm heading out the door with my helmet and gear
I see this guy (well not so much a guy more like a little half a nothing
pussy) with his hand on my triple tree looking down. He must have
heard us coming out because he looks up and starts walking down the
block so I walk towards him he looks back and see's me following him.
He than pulled out a cell phone and starts texting and turns around
Head up the block speed walking so I start following him again.
He gets about fifty feet from me and turns the corner and runs to a
waiting car. I try to get the plate number but it was a temp in the back
window couldn't make it out. I wish I could have got closer to him I would
Have blasted him with my helmet I need a new one anyway lol.
So now I think I might have to get an alarm put on my baby or
start carrying again? So glad I went outside when I did five mins later and
my bike might be gone? I already had a gxser stolen a few years back.
Just wanted to let you all know to keep an eye out sucks to walk out
an see your bike not where you left it. The worst feeling ever!